Chapter Three

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HELLO PEOPLE! Thank you so much for opening my book HER ONLY CHANCE! I am here to let you all know that this is a very first draft and on my profile you will see that I have begun to publish the NEW version of Her Only Chance, which will be my official version!!! SO please instead of reading this unedited version, just click on my profile and add the new version!


Chapter Three:

Notebook? Check. Pencil Case? Check. Tool kit? Check. Some packaged food? Check. Tooth brush and paste? Check.

It was my last night. We returned back to school from the obstacle courses at the latest possible time, six o clock, obviously. As soon as we landed I quickly made my way out the bus and rushed home seeking the shower I was waiting for all day.

I was now busy packing my bag for tomorrow's departure. If I was being honest, I felt scared. As soon as I leave tomorrow and I'm on that bus with Carter after saying my goodbyes to family and friends. I didn't know what was going to happen. Would I see them again? Would I survive? Be killed? I could not possibly know what could happen and that scares me.

My whole life I always knew what was right in front of me. I always knew what was coming and what was going to happen. What to expect. But now, I only have to rely on my abilities, my brain, my heart, my gut, and even my hesitant trust for Carter.

For Resdue, we were allowed to pack one backpack worth of things. It could be anything we wanted, books, magazines, food, anything to our heart's desire. Well, anything but anything that is electronic and has anything to do with a device. So no phone, computer, iPad, iPod shuffle, nothing. It had something to do with cheating about our intelligence and having contact with the outside world once we are in.

I continued shoving in anything that could be useful into my large black backpack. Typically the one you would take on a hiking trip. They never mentioned how big the bag could be. Only that it was easily carried by being strapped onto your back or a duffle bag, strung on your shoulder. No suitcase or anything like that. Something that is easily moved around.

As I shuffled around my room frantically stuffing items of use into my bag and going over my checklist over and over, a knock was sounded at my door but I didn't really stop to chat to whoever was there.

During my packing I caught a glimpse of Daniel leaning against the door as he watched me intensely as I danced my way around the room finishing my check list and double checking.

He pushed himself off the door and made his way inside shutting it, making his way to my bed and sat on it. He watched me for another minute or so, his bright blue eyes glistened as they were glued on me, never once looking away.

His hands were tucked into his dark blue jeans, and his button up white shirt was unbuttoned at the top, showing how he wasn't bothered for anything like this. His dark hair was in ruffles atop his head and I knew that he had been stroking his hand through it, pulling and knotting his thick strands.

I finally stopped packing after a few minutes, deciding to take a break and went to stand in front of him slightly flushed from all my prancing around.

He smiled at me softly and gestured for me to sit beside him in my bed and I reluctantly made my way to the spot beside him. It's not that I didn't love him or didn't want to talk with him. It's that I know that he is going to talk to me about tomorrow and the upcoming month or two.

If I'd survive for that long.

I sat down and turned towards him, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled for words, by the look on his face I knew what he was going to say, so I cut him off before he even began his long and already foreseen speech.

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