Chapter Fifty One

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A/n: I'M BACK!
Hey guys, sorry for the late update.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

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Chapter Fifty One:

"Did you know that Logan is scared of flies?"

I shook my as a smile rose on my face. I placed my chin on my hand, hiding the grin.

"No, seriously. We were eating yesterday when a fly landed beside his hand. I have never seen someone jump up so fast! He literally turned around and ran away as I sat in shock. I literally thought he just left me hanging when he explained it all later on."

She had tears falling out of her eyes as she laughed hard and I joined her. It was funny to know that the big, tough Logan was merely afraid of flies. I mean, you can't ignore them. They are pretty much everywhere. Hence the name flies. They fly everywhere.

"No way, Logan. Our Logan? As in, Logan. The tough and mighty?" I exclaimed as she continued to laugh.


I began laughing at her expression as she seemed so serious that he face made it seem even funnier.

We laughed for a while. She kept telling me things about Logan and about her life before the Resdue. We shared a lot about our lives and we simply clicked. She was a great friend and I wish we had spoken sooner.

I was surprised when she told me she was in year eleven but was sixteen. I knew some people were sixteen when beginning year eleven, so I didn't think much about it. But when she revealed that she was turning seventeen next year I realised that she had the worst luck.

It turned out that Callie was very intelligent, and the teachers identified that when she was younger. So she ended up skipping the second grade and moved straight onto the third.

Because of those events which should've been seen as something really defining and amazing, it has just led to one of the most horrific things. She might not have ever ended up being chosen for the Resdue. She could've been home and safe. But unfortunately, life didn't work that way.

Callie and I continued talking while snacking on the dinner left overs in he dining hall when Lucy came over with a wide smile. She wedged herself beside Callie and some random person beside her and let out a loud breath.

"Shaun just made me do some big workout. He was like; 'it's just basic cardio,' and I was like; 'okay, fine'. Well, not fine. It was not fine! And it wasn't basic." Lucy let out another long breath after venting.

She looked like she had just ran a marathon. Her hair stuck to her forehead, as her clothes stuck to her skin. She looked utterly exhausted and you could also see it by the way she spoke and how her eyes dropped.

As if feeling the stickiness of her hair, she pulled it out of its wrecked pony tail and quickly retied it with little to no effort. I wish my hair was that easy to manage. I thought enviously as my hand subconsciously reached upwards to be met with loosely held together hair.

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