Chapter Fifty Seven

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School has been hectic as expected and I'm head high in assignments and homework right now. Again, bare with me we will make it through this :D!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Fifty Seven:

I quickly scrambled to my feet and stood face to face with my attacker.

My heart pounded in fear and my body ached from soreness. There was one thought that kept replaying over my mind and that was the numbers on the persons armband.




The figure in front of me was slightly taller as seen in their shadow.

From behind me, I heard a grunt and stupidly turned around to see what it was. Lucas was fending off someone of his own, and that was when the person from in front of me, jumped me again.

I let out a grunt as I fell to the floor with the person landing on top of me. My head span for a second as a wave of nausea took over me. The person whom had landed on me then straddled my abdomen, pinning my arms to their sides.

I squinted trying to see who it was, but didn't have to worry about identifying them myself as they leaned forward and gave me a perfect view of their face.

"Hey, Bryce," smiled a malicious Katie.

I felt my body freeze for a second before it unfroze. I shouldn't of been so surprised. She had attempted killing me before, not only a few nights ago. If not for Kyle Davis, I wouldn't be alive.

But from above me, Katie seemed like a whole new person.

On the right side of her face, she had evenly spread nail marks that had scratched down her face. Most likely in a frantic gesture by the way it was raked. But that wasn't the scariest part.

Her face held stains on blood.

There was dried blood coating her face. In some places, there were smudges as if she was trying to wipe it off, but that clearly didn't work as it stuck to her like s second layer.

Her shirt, pure red. For s second, it looked like it was a red shirt. But as she sat atop of me, I could now clearly see that her shirt was soaked through with blood. It stuck to her and as the rain had stopped, the blood never seemed out of her shirt.

There were some splotches of white and light blue from the original colour of the shirt, but other than that. Blood.

Terrified, I met her eyes to see that she was still smiling.

"What's the matter, Bryce? Can't handle a little blood?"

Her voice was so genuine, as if asking an innocent question. But instead, it held malicious and poison in her words.

She truly was a monster.

It was clear that she had killed others and there was a good chance that there also beaded the numbers 972.

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