Chapter Fifty Five

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I begin school this week in four days! That means that I will no longer have regular updates as I will be head high in Homework. I will still be updating, but it may be some longer waits compared to the eight week holidays I just had.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Fifty Five:

The day dragged by. After a few hours of waiting, the rain finally settled in. Everyone attempted to take shelter amongst the tall trees, but proved to be almost useless as we got drenched with the rain, water puddling everywhere.

The rain never really stopped off and still continued to drizzle as the time began to approach eight o clock. Only twenty more minutes until it was our turn. Round 23 had just been called up.

My heart pounded at the thought of being next.

The rain had yet to calm and now came down in spurts or sprinkles and occasionally hard drizzles. It made the air muggy and sticky as my clothes stuck to me as a second skin.

There was no way for me to try off, so that was how it has to be.

From beside me, Lucas leaned his head against the tree as he watched the open field in front of us be puddled and drowned with water as it piled up against holes in the ground. No doubt to the people running around wanting to warm up their muscles and be prepared for their own go.

We weren't even halfway through the test and still had thousands of us huddled close under the dense forest trees. It wasn't really a pleasant way to spend the day.

With the twenty minutes ticking down, I decided that now was a good enough time to begin preparing for the test. Stretching my leg out before me, I constricted my muscles so it would stretch and prepare me for all the running I will have to do.

From beside me, I faintly saw Lucas from the corner of my eye and the rain clouding my vision, begin to stretch himself. It was a bitter, sweet moment. To know that we were next and had to prepare.

I changed legs.

I was terrified. I was terrified that I was still in slight pain from the large hike this morning and was scared that the rain seeping through my shirt had weakened the hidden bandages beneath. I peeked before at the bandages to find they were slightly wet, but not too effected to not work or need to be changed.

I stretched my left arm.

The time went down to quick. We only had ten minutes to go and my nerves heightened. Would I truly be able to do this? I was never able to do the last test. The only reason why I was here today was because of Lucas.

He had not given up and practically dragged me across that test to ensure that we survived. If not for that . . . I would not have been here. Neither would've he.

I changed arms.

"Here," said Lucas and I turned to find him thrusting a black object my way.

It was hard to see what it was. It wasn't until I grabbed it with my free arm and peered down before me, that I realised it was a huge torch. It wasn't one of the two dollar ones that were flimsy with limited use. It was the ones you would see police officers walking around with that beamed a long way ahead of you. The torch itself being thirty centimetres long.

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