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A/n: I was going to post this tomorrow . . . but I figured I would spoil you guys and post it today!

I can't believe it.

This is actually the end. I'm on the verge of crying because I cannot believe I have actually reached this point.

I just want to say a quick thank you to everyone and hope you enjoy this chapter.

I will be having a bigger authors note soon and I hope that you all read it as it will be important and I'll discuss everything more!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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One year later . . .

Taking a deep breath, I leaned back on my hands, digging my hands into the sand as I relished in the feeling of the cool breeze caressing my face. The tang of salt overwhelmed my senses, I could taste it as I cleared my mind. I revelled in the feeling of the wind brushing against my hair as it flew straight, loosely behind me.

The crashing of the waves on the surf rolling over each other soaking the sand relaxed me as I took it all in. Opening my eyes, I watched the sun as it descended towards the horizon. The sky began to turn orange and I smiled at the sight staring up to the sky at the clouds small clustered clouds above as they truly outlined the beauty of the clouds, emphasising the its beauty.

Trailing my eyes to my legs, I glanced down the hill that lead to the beach, tall grass covered in sand brushing against my skin creating a tingly sensation. I wiped some sand off my leg before placing it back behind me, resting on it.

Glancing to my left, I saw my phone lying with its dark screen. Reaching over, I picked it up turning it on to see that I still had not received any message yet and frowned for a moment before focusing on my lock screen.

I smiled softly as I wiped away a smudge, bringing in the phone closer to my face. I refused to watch the video footage of the Resdue and tried my best not to discuss my time within it with any of my friends of family.

But this was the only bit of the whole Resdue that I watched. It was forced on me by my older brother, Daniel, I cursed him for it and fought him, but when I finally sat and watched it, I broke down. I cried for days but I was so grateful he made me watch it. 

The picture was just before the bridge had occurred and me, Lucas, Logan, Jaylen . . . and Jarvis stood. We were so happy. We stood with our hands in the air screaming with smiles on our face. We were cut up, bruised, covered in blood and sweat, but there was no denying the smiles and joy on our faces.

Putting the phone back down, I smiled softly to myself shaking my head as tears blurred my vision. My eyes lingered and each of us before I paused on Jarvis. 

I missed him so much.

A single tear trailed down my eyes and I was quick to wipe it off my cheek, smiling. I turned my phone off putting it back down before closing my eyes and picturing him fresh in my mind.

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