Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen:

"Come on, three to go. Two... one... okay, you're done."

Letting out a loud huff, I pushed myself upwards and grabbed the bars with my hands before pulling my two legs from behind it and placing myself onto the floor.

Carter and I were just doing some extra training to prepare ourselves for the next test. The test on escaping our rooms and trying to cure ourselves from the killer fever we had was just two days ago, yet we had no idea when the next test would be.

There are one hundred and twenty thousand teens loitering the grounds currently, and I have no doubt that the government committee would love to just minimise us as quickly as possible.

Carter and I are currently in the Gym doing some exercises to improve our muscles and stamina. Right now we were working in our back and stomach muscles doing sit ups but with a twist, we were doing it on the high bars, our legs dangling over it. So we had to literally pull ourselves up with whatever muscles we had in our stomach and back.

Instead of doing it together at the same time like we were doing before, we began to do it with one person spotting since we both almost fell of the bar before. The spotter was to catch the person if they couldn't hold on anymore.

"No... more," I drawled out, hands on my knees bending over trying to catch my breath.

Suddenly in response, Carter grabbed my shoulder and slightly pulled me up before pulling my hands away from my knees and drawing them up to my head, placing them behind it.

"Do this whenever you need to breath, it helps more," he told me.

I wouldn't doubt that he knew about this since he was a major player on our school's football team and is also known as a well renowned track star.

I was still struggling to breath from all my work so I just nodded my head and he let out a little breath of laughter.

"You really aren't fit are you?"

I shook my head in response and he just laughed again.

I may be someone who excels in any sport, but it doesn't mean I am the best at training, or even like training, or even have any back or stomach muscles. To say, I had always been the one to sit inside reading a book, or watching Netflix with a bowl of ice cream and a pizza on its way.

After a few more minutes of catching my breath, I could finally breath steadily and took my arms off my head and turned towards Carter.

"Your turn," but he just shook his head laughing.

"Can I even trust your to catch me if I fell?" He laughed.

Thinking for a moment I let out a laugh of my own. "I don't know, probably."

"Not reassuring enough."

We continued to laugh after this when we were interrupted by some calling out Carters name from behind.

Turning around I came to face Jarvis and Logan walking into the Gym and they both shot smiles mine and Carter's way.

Yesterday, Carter had told me after lunch that they were both team mates from their school Kennedy High. Kennedy High was from somewhere east and I couldn't say I was surprised. With their tanned look and easy going attitude, you'd be surprised they were from anywhere else.

"You two training?" Asked Jarvis as he and Logan approached, Now standing in front of us.

"What does it look like?" I retorted and he just laughed.

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