Eros's Story

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Hi there I'm so sorry for the late update 🤭

Slap me virtually I don't 😑😒
{I love you don't do dat to me} 😘😘😘

Kindly vote and comment also thank you for almost 300 reads here.

All in all Eros was contended at what life as offered him so far. He was an abandoned child that was found on the streets and if not for the orphanage he would be dead from starvation.

So even though his common sense and natural instincts stood in the way of him agreeing to volunteer himself for the sake of the future of the orphanage to become a sex slave, he chose the wrong way thinking it to be  the right one.

At the age of fifteen he had no idea about the legal age of consent or what ever. Did not even knew what it was either. It was the world he grew up in and by  what he had seen and told he knew such thongs are bound to happen and did not know about the brutal generalisation and the brainwashing process that was conducted by the orphanage.

But now in his mid twenties he was highly aware of it. Yet he didn't care much about it. He didn't care at all.

He saw no reason lf becoming a sex slave and in his mind he knew things were bit off. But he was not the only one who did so. He was not the only one that   were sold for an hour or two.

There were many others. There had been and there will be.

So when he went near the supermarket searing for a beared man wearing white in a red Audi, he did not feel damned. That feeling was yet to come. Either later at night or the following day's morning.

When he went near the only black Audi that was parked there he rushed towards it.

This time around it was almost near to the place where he worked. Eros was confused at  why the man that bought him for the night did not come to the orphanage of near that.

Because that's what normally happened.

Eros was very self conscious this time around as he did not want to be seen by the other colleges.

This was his first time being picked up at a place away from the orphanage and  so close to his current work place.

So being aware that he might get aught by one of his  fellow workmen,  Eros wore his usual working attire.
So just in the case if one happened to notice him they would think that he had been loitering around.

He even felt like not going there because he did not want to get caught or seen by anyone he knows professionally.

  So when he reached to the only black Audi that was stopped at the car park of the said grocery store he was terrorsticken and traumatised to see his new boss seated there , his eyes glused to his phone.

Eros almost lost his balance and hit the car and not wanting him to notice him he hurried his way  towards the grocery store.

Entering the grocery store he walked passing the shelves not wanting his new boss to see his face and take note of it.

*Is he the one that ordered me today? *

*why the hell would he do that?*

*is he gay?*

*will he fire me once  he found out?*
*why the hell would he do so anyway*

Thoughts clogged Eros's brain and he was dumb founded when he was faced by one of the fellow work men from the "Ideals" that work with him.

The man waved him and automatically Eros waves back.

"~hay man wassup. Such a surprise to see ya this late. Da first time I've seen you like this. By the way wanna hang out tonight. Me and ma buddies gonna drink the night away~"

Eros smiled at him having no idea what to say back.

And before he could even breath he dragged him towards the shelves in order to but some drinks for the night for them to get wasted.

Few minutes passed and Eros managed to convince the fellow man that he is here to meet  a girl  and she told him that she would be near the grocery.

Eros said as she was not there outside the store he reckoned that she would be inside.

Eros fabricated story won him an escape and he dashed his way out of the store before anybody else that he knows come in.

By that time his new boss Mr. Russo was gone clearing away his doubs about him bieng his buyer.

*oh boy that would have been a very wiered and and awkward  encounter*

He wandered around the parking area looking for an Audi and on the strrts as well.

And it was then he received a call from the orphanage. It was the manager of the orphanage are he sounded pretty stressed.

He didn't even spare a second to say hello even and went on saying

"There is a change of venues. A cab will pick you up from there pretty soon"

With that the line was off and even though Eros was bit mad about the whole situation and quite exhausted due to the days work and all this waiting he got on to the cab that soon arrived.

And he did not go back when he arrived at a party at a lavish looking mansion.

Parties were trouble. He knew from the experience.

Once he remembered how one of his room mates  at the orphanage was bought as a male prostitute for the party and when the buyer passed out from drinking, he returned back.

The following day the buyer demanded his money back accusing him from bieng opportunistic and making him drunk so that he could get payed for doing nothing.

The orphanage managers did not say anything and gave him his 100 dollers back.

Of course they did not want to get involved with the police and to cause any trouble.

And event though the orphanage did not take their side the way how they were brain washed and brutally treated and molested shaped them to accept what they give and had trained them to not to stand against them.

As they grew older Eros knew only a friction of what they earned goes in to the actual maintenance of the  orphanage.

Yet he was aware of the face how that small amount of money feeds the small ones.

So Eros did not protest when his cloths were ripped apart because he knew that what he gets payed for.

So Eros did not care when he was having sex with a man doubled his age.

So Eros did not care whether what he received was sexual pleasure or rape. Because that would secure the little ones future. As the money he earn will help them go to school.

So he  did not care when his body was scarred and when he winced in pain.

For he was doing what he was supposed to do and this is something he had gained.

1164 words 6043 letters. ❤️😊
I'm so sorry for the late update... And thank you for almost 300 reads here.

Always remember it only takes one second  for you guys to VOTE but it means the whole world to me.

This update was surprisingly easier than the other chapters that I have updated. It only took me 45 minutes to type down.
Normally it take one and half hours or two and half hours.

So how had your day been?
How was the chapter?
Any typos?

I'm so glad that Eros didn't get in to Xanders car right away. bOi that would have been AwKwArD ....

Lemme know what you think in the comments.

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And show that you care.
You're a gem that is rare.
Bout it I'm aware.

-😘😍Ummah -

See you later bye

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