Encounter Unexpected

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Monday 30. 2020.thank you for 100 reads here and five reads on the chapter encounter 1


Xander watched as the Audi felt the premises and sighed.

He was unsure of his own feelings at the moment. It was a mixture of emotions. He leaned against the window cut of the building and looked down.

Beneath him were the workers continuing with their normal routine as of nothing happened.

As of nobody was almost there to loose their hand and as if no sound of ambulance made its chaotic appearance there.

Putting his protection cap back on Xander decided to go upwards and see what's going.
He felt quite flimsy as he continued to walk upwards. Because of the shock he recie Ed from the whole incident old memories were brought back..

~Memories that were memorials of a mere desaster,
Momories that made this, man of a desaster. ~

As he climbed upwards he was lead to an opened space that appeared to be a hallway.
There were huge cuts on the walls and on the right side he could see a crane bringing iron bars to the top of the building.
Xander would think the hall empty if not for the noise that came from it.
It was a sound that was not new to him.

His ears were familiarised to the said sound, because of what happened earlier.

It was the sound of a cutting machine.

Xander entered the hall than stared at the man that stood before the temporary dest that was in front of him.

Xander examined the shiny black strands of straight hair that have shoved themselves under his yellow protective hat.

Well that was a familiar sight

Who ever that was had a body of a workout model. Well honestly speaking he was not as muscular as Hulk. But he had well defined features that made him one suitable candidate for a Greco-Roman statue.

He was wearing dark blue overalls that criss-crossed at the back and he was somewhat bent towards the table as he was smoothing it out.

As I madey way towards him he stopped what he was doing and wiped his gloved hands on his buttcheeks

{a/n - you must be thinking I have an obsession with buttcheeks huh? Well nah but still I can't help not mentioning it. Also do you find it cringy? Lemme know okay. Kk sweeties ♥️❤️💖 back to the story we go..... }

The golden dust from the wood made a golden patch on his worn out denims that were of a dirty dark blue colour.

Xander watched his lifting his eye glass that was there to protect his eyes from any dust from the wood off he took a level to measure of the surface is equally polished.

Xanders eyes stayed glued to the movements of his muscular body.
In his playboy mind he was already taking down notes in order to reefing the words attractiveness and sexy.

.... It was like as if he found a new art. Even Xander couldn't get why he was going all nuts about this random stranger and why he continued to appear every now and then........

He noticed that he didn't have any carving on his window frame.
So he muster up his courage to ask him
"Aren't you gonna dig in any patterns there?"

Xander waited for an answer but the man pretended to not to hear him.

Xander repeated himself a little bit louder a second time and the man appeared to be shook by the sudden interruption he made.

Xanders yellowy light green eyes eyes stared in to the soothing brown eyes of the beholder as they looked it to each other's eyes.

His brows furrowed in question asking for an explanation to the disturbance caused to him and Xander stood there speechless as his scrutinising eyes stayed hypnotised by the man before him.

Xander locked his nether lip before speaking,
"Well I asked why your window frame has no details like others?.
I heard that you guys are given permission to personalise your own windows?" Xander asked with a smile.

A smile that was not returned back to him.

The man shot a glance from top to bottom a serving every inch of Xanders body from head to the toe.

"Well the thing is this hall is actually a dining area for all"

"Oh"... feeling defeated Xander spoke.
"But why is that? Dont you get your own kitchens?"

"Well... not really.. sir." Suddenly the man changed his tone to a concerned one that stood in contrast to the more disturbed one earlier.

"Most of them are single men so they don't really have help or any idea of how things go on in a kitchen."
The man answered while his eyes idled as they tyied their best to not to meet Xander's.

Xander however noticed it and wanted to ease the tension that all of a sudden erupted between them.

" Oohh hooo I see so you don't have a woman to prepare things for you". He internally cursed himself for throwing in that drab age old bland joke in to the conversation. But that appeared to be the last straw.

Xander stared in to the man's {Eros's} lithe body as his breathing became uneven.

His mouth opened and closed in a matter of seconds as if he was pondering something.
There was something calm and demure about him that made Xander's mind bound to him.

He appeared to be..... quite different.

By now Xander knew that he is falling for this man. Falling like he had once fallen. Or probably fallen like he had never fallen.

The bitter memories of the past came rushing in to the mind of Xander as he took his fill of Eros.

~should I nip these feelings in the bud? ~

He couldn't help but to think so.

Will this be a chance for him to start a new beginning, with new energy as fresh as a daisy?

Or will this lead to another round of suffering that would kill him daily?


Plesae leave a vote and a comment behind.....

You know how much they worth to a writer don't you?

So whatchya think of this chappie that I gave both to?

I started this @12 am cuz that's wheny nighttime data begins and now it's 1.41

So to type this badboy of 1087 words down it had taken me almost two hours

And I didn't even realise it.?

Anyway stay safe & take care....
Remain @ home without going here N there.

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now