
139 10 7

Please listen to the song!


He was perfectly sober when he went to bed to do his "private investigation on Eros" on social media. But what he hoped to finish within a few minutes turned into a few more minutes and then into many more hours.

And when he was done scrolling through Instagram, Tic Tok and even Facebook!, fishing for what those apps might have in store for him, it was many hours past midnight.

And feeling tired and beaten up, he could not muster enough strength to raise his head even, at the end. Therefore  Xander slept, with his make-up still on.

And as he opened his brown eyes to have a fruity fresh start in the following morning, he was disturbed by a fake lash that fell onto his eye.

And as he touched his face to see what was going on he could feel the make-up that was there all night long, most probably staining the pillow and the covers as he rolled on the bed in his sleep.

"Oh fuck!"
He cussed.

Just as he was ready to leave the bed he heard the sound of his phone receiving a notification.

A common thing that happened every morning which did not make him wonder.

And ignoring it Xander went to the bathroom for a quick shower. And as he was in the bathroom he recalled the happenings of the day before.

Rubbing his face makeup-free Xander thought of what he newly learnt about Eros.

He was positive that the guy he saw on Mr Hernandez's Instagram was Eros even though the photo only captured a side of his face.

He couldn't be wrong about him.

What he was unsure of the most was about the guy he saw at the beach the day before.

The chances of Xander being there on this island were very slim and a part of Xander wanted "that guy" not to be Eros.

He found the whole situation, interesting as well as ever so slightly disappointing.

If his doubts and assumptions were true then he did have a chance with Eros. And could freely approach him without any pressure as he might have the upper hand if they were to have a relationship of some sort. Or he could simply blackmail him to bed!

{ A/N ~ this is Xander being the dick he is... And don't worry this is unauthorised by the author! 😅}

After he was done with the shower Xander came out and dropped a message to Matthew asking if the food was ready.

And Matthew a second after replied back to him saying that the food was already on the table.

So Xander got dressed and went downstairs as he checked his phone for the messages he had received.

"Good morning.
Rise and Shine Sandro Russo!"

Was a message from Tiron.

And to his surprise, there were two missed calls from Kiara that she seemed to have taken last night and today's morning. 

Xander sat at the table wondering why would she call without dropping a text.

"Also couldn't she bloody contact Matthew instead of me?"

Xander saw no reason why she would interrupt his sanity. 

And as he was about to finish his meals he noticed that that house was eerily silent. And relatively empty than last night.

"Where are the others?"

Asked the confused man that paused his eating for a second.

"They left in the morning, sir. To Miss Kristina's."

"Kristina's place?"
Inquired Xander out of curiosity.

Kristina's place was huge! It looked more like a Roman Palace or a French castle { Xander's dumbass wouldn't know the difference anyway} than that of a house. And even though it was aesthetically pleasing and felt extra extravagant, Xander knew he did not want to live at a place like that.

                                                Not that he criticised Kristina for her taste. If she likes that mansion she lives in then more power to her! But it felt too complicated for an everyday home. And Xander thought so as a son of a man who had a leading company in the industrial sector! {not that Xander was a  genius when it comes to it, but he did have an ounce of common sense.}

"Kristina's place?"
Questioned Xander as he pondered why would they go there this early.

"Not her home sir. But her office. They are having a meeting there."
Reported Matthew, the current condition.

"Oh, I see. I did remember them talking about it"

Xander swallowed down the fluffy omelette as he spoke.

"So is everyone gone?"
He asked once again.

"No Sir. Mr Forrest Bush is still here."

"Oh, I see... Umm... Matthew?"

"Let's leave"

"Leave sir?"

"Let's go...Take me home! As soon as possible"

"Umm... Okay sir!".



So that's a short chapter but anyway... Hope you enjoyed it.

~secretly whispers..... But that was early.............. ~


And just in the case if you were curious Forrest Bush has green eyes and brown hair...

]|[ and I am not secretly turning that guy into a tree!]|[


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