Extraordinary Changes.

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The day after, Rick was surprised  to find Xander before his room knocking on it to wake him up.

If there is one last person Rick expected to do so was the biggest late bird Xander.

    Yet that's what happened.

"Rise and shine Ricky!!. Ready for the inspection"

For his confusion  a cheery faced Xander greeted him. Coming here with Xander the last thing he expected was to find the young man being punctual.

        As he has associated Xander for quite sometime  Ricky knew his ways and means and the chap ain't somebody who would lift a finger over unless that involves partying.

Wondering what poisonous mandregora Xander injected himself with Rick put on a casual outfit to accompany him.

Xander was wearing khaki shorts with an ashy t-shirt for the day while Rick went all black.

They were greeted by the manager of the site and they were directed to multiple places and the process was explained to them by the manager himself. He seemed to be quite happy that Xander and Rick were there as in his eyes this building was  being  constructed for the welfare of the workers like him.

He appeared to be really grateful for it.

Xander winced his eyes as a cloud of dust came in contact with his face.

He made a note to himself to wash it at least twice after he was back at the lodge house.

Even though it was morning the workers appear to be really tired and almost worn out. Thus he assumed that they might be workers from the night before.

As he proceeded with the manager he passed grops of people. They were either cutting or mixing matting the sides of the building. 

From a corner of his eye he could see that some workers were happy to see him. Like the manager. But some were not.

He saw a couple of men share a 'glance and a sarcastic smirk' and another nudging the sides of the other  to bring the latter's attention on him.

He wasn't surprised. Not a single bit. After all he was the hardworking billionaire's spoilt son whose younger brother is to take after the company.

The day went by and Xander had experiences for a life time. He was visibly tired and his face was covered in sweat and he was out of breath.

            When Rick offered him a napkin he wiped his face with it and the white napkin was stained by the muddy oily layer that it wiped out of Xander's  face.

    Though he was purely disgusted by it Xander did not return to his bed chamber.

Instead he walked around the  construction  area and even spoke to few of the  workers.

After a short while they began to leave the construction site and as the manager said they were going to grab their lunch and they'll be replaced by a set of workers that will labour untill next morning.

   It struck to Xander that how much toil and labour is put to the process and he began to feel guilty for the life he lives.

   He was  partying and getting wasted on hotels that are built by people like this. But sooner his mind was resettled and his guilt went away as he told himself that these people were just ignorant and not educated which is why they had ended up here.

Then as he tries to justify that opinion, it struck to him that his father must have been in a similar situation as these people.

              Between Xander and his dad there were fourty years as his father had married at a latter part of his life.
He had been too busy building profits and raising up in the latter of economics along with his cousins and siblings. 

               Xander often thought the strict nature of his father was. there due to this vast age gap but now seeing toil and labour of these workers, he realised that there is more to it.

Just the idea of his father life being exactly what lays before him or perhaps worse made Xander realise how fortunate he is, as he had everything served to him and he only had to ask for.

Eventhough the prime reason for this journey was not accomplished Xander was greatful that he took that tour around the site as it was a bit of an eye opener for him.

He left for lunch with Rick hoping to returned back to the construction site to inspect the second batch of workers.

And nothing could have prepared Xander for what life had in store for him next .

Vote and comment lovelies.
Also don't forget  to point out any mistakes I've done

Stay safe bye. ❤️❤️❤️💕

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now