Invaded Mind

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Invaded mind

He stood there confused with his golden eyes flickering, while rubbing his hands that Xander swore to be sweaty, over the dirty trousers he was wearing.

It was funny. There was something funny about a guy this big, being all nervous and anxious as if he was about to get jailed or be punished.

Xander's hand stopped at the doorknob as he watched the tired face. One could see the oiliness, some fading pimples and a couple of scars that littered his face.
But for Xander, they made him more human. They were the proof that Eros was not some sex God. And as Xander found out on his way to the site Eros was actually the name of the Sex God from greek-roman mythology!

That indeed lifted his hopes.

Whoever that named this guy did indeed do an excellent job.

Xander could see his jawline as he was tilting his head to look at the site. It had not even been five minutes since they left it to come to Xander's so-called "home", and Eros was already missing it.

Xander could not help but wonder what would happen if he took Eros away from his working place, to his home. Would he cry and throw a tantrum like a four-year-old?

That would give Marian a six feet tall, broad-shouldered, bodybuilding twin who would probably be more than five times her age. His age! Xander wondered how old he was.

Or maybe he was older that?
Could he possibly be younger than Xander?

But there was no time for them to have a chat then and there because Matthew could return any moment, and Xander needed to get Eros in before that.

He cleared his throat grabbing Eros's attention.

"Come in"

Tilting his head towards the door Xander invited him as he opened it.

The corners of Eros's mouth were turned downwards, probably because of doubt and indecision.

"Was he thinking that I'm some sort of a serial killer?"

Xander laughed internally at the thought as Eros was about to find that out by himself.

"Was he feeling like he had invaded my privacy?"
"Was his privacy being invaded by me?"
"probably yes!"

Xander shook the ideas off of his head.

Nothing to doubt or question there!

"What? You don't wanna?"
Said Xander batting his fake lashes towards him and Eros, as if he already knew that was coming, stepped into the room.

"Oh, not that sir..."

"Call me Xander. It is fine."
Xander cut in.

Eros's voice was faint.

The way up to his bedroom was quiet and somewhat awkward for Xander's liking. As Eros silently followed him up the stairs.

And once they were in the safety of Eros's room Xander knew that someone had to break the ice between them.

There was nothing to be awkward and feel weird about as, if Eros had not given consent then he would not have followed him all the way into the bedroom!


"Close the door, Eros. You know why you are here."

Eros's thin cherry lips drew into a firm line.

Xander felt like he needed to elaborate on that, so he pulled out the evidence from his phone.

A precious screenshot from Instagram.

Has he held it before Eros's face he saw the confusion vanishing and a look of fear settling in Eros's face.

His thin cherry coloured lips slightly parted as his look shifted from the phone and Xander's face.

Those lips.

Those lips that Xander had always wanted to kiss and devour on.
Those lips he wanted to kiss like there was no tomorrow.

And guessing that Eros had already gotten the obvious hints, Xander pressed his pink Peony lips upon Eros's, leaning in towards Eros for a better reach.

His lips felt soft and mellow.
Just the way Xander imagined it.

And he tasted so good.
And he smelled so good.

And Xander let his phone drop on the carpet as he placed his hands on Eros's broad shoulders.

Even though his eyes were closed he could tell that Eros was smiling as he felt his thin lips stretch upon his own.

Encouraged by his partner's reaction, Xander started to run his hand in circles over Eros's shoulders and his back, before crossing them before kissing him deeper than before.

It was pleasure.
It was mirth.

It was exactly what Xander imagined.
And exactly how he had wanted everything to turn out to be.

His hands wrapped around his torso in a firm grip and after a second Eros grabbed from the sides of his hip.

And within a split second Xander was pushed onto the floor by a pair of strong arms.


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Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now