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"When exactly did you meet him?"
Bella asked her son after he broke the news to the rest of the family about his newfound boyfriend that he was "going steady with".

"At Tiron's birthday party?"
Jumped in Alexander, as he answered the question his wife asked from their son.

Lysandro looked up from his laptop with a tiny smile drawn on his lips as he tried to hide his mocking expression.

Speaking of narcissistic, arrogant, pain-in-the-ass  younger brothers that try to out rule you, Lysandro was a perfect example.

He would not dare make fun of Xander at that moment as both Ma and Da seem to be stressed and lost at trying to figure out what Xander was in to.

She gaped hearing it and Xander had a sudden urge to leave the room. This conversation was heading downstream and he already knew it.

The fact that his own father had acknowledged his playboy ways and as some sadly referred, "his manwhorism", was a hard pill to swallow.

A bitter truth to accept almost?

"Honey how could you!"
Bella almost yelled at her husband.

"What am I wrong?"

Taking a couple of fries from his fingertips in a leasurely manner, Alexander looked at his eldest son challengingly, his grey eyes suggesting that he knew how messed up Xander was.

"Is that Forrest?"
Exclaimed Lysandero on a cheery note, his voice sounding as if he was so eager to know.

"Who is that?" asked the intrigued father and Bella turned towards her son with her hands on her hips.

"Forrest Bush, a guy that work with Tiron. We met at the party".
Explained Lysandro.

"Forrest Bush?. Hm... Never heard of him before..."
Said their father and their mother added afterwards, "It's a weird name isn't it?"

And Xander could swear to God that if it was he, who said that, his mother would have accused him for insulting other people.


Screamed Xander as he slammed his hands on the study table, almost hurting himself and the heads turned towards him.

There was a silence as everyone was wondering what was Xander had to say.

"No. It is not him! What's wrong with all of you?"

His brown eyes squinting in to a thin line and his mouth slightly parted Xander said annoyingly.

"Then who?"
Asked Alexander casually.

"It's... It's someone I met online. And we have decided to move in together."
Lied Xander.



Both Alexander and Bella said in a suspicious note. Xander could tell that they were very sceptic of the idea and disbelieved him.

No one could blame them anyway as Xander "was" indeed lying.

If was an art that he had mastered throughout his life. But his parents were also catching up with him.

"So... You are moving in... with somebody that you have not spoken to in person?"

Lysandro added hay to the burning head of Xander's.

He was the epitome of annoyance according to Xander.

                    Xander knew that this was going to create some serious trouble. Like some SERIOUSE TROUBLE. Lying once meant you had to tell another thousand lies to plaster and patch up the loopholes and plot holes in the first lie. It was something that annoyed Xander even though he knew exactly how to deal with it. And now he felt like he was trapped and had no way out there. And one thing he feared was his father to sense that he was lying. Why he was so strict on his sons, no one would ever know, but Xander knew that his father was not the right person to mess around with.

"I know him. We've met"
Said Xander.

"Where? When? Oh Sandro, you could have asked me to come along with you! Why wouldn't you ask him to come home for dinner?"

And that of course was his mother.

Feeling uncomfortable and out of place Xander struggled to force an answer.
He swallowed a big clump of saliva and hid his hands in his pockets.

" Well. At the... at the site. "

Letting out a piece of truth Xander slapped himself mentally.

If someone called him a living proof of a dimwit, he would gladly accept it, showcasing his humbleness, if there was any left. That was because he made his mother's jaw drop and his father's forehead to wrinkle. Both were signs that there were processing some information that they did not like at all.

"So that's what you did by going there?"
Began his father.

"So that's why you agreed without protesting? I see.  Should have known!"

"You know half the reason why I have Ricky with you is to make sure that you do dumb stuff like this! And not for your safety alone!"

Said Alexander raising his voice, his tone making Xander feel guilty.

But he could careless of something that had already happened.

       So he stood their with his neutral eyes and bored expression on, as he stared at his father. If Xander was the daredevil he sometimes claimed to be, he would have faked a yawn even to emphasis how bored and carefree he was at the moment.

And despite the calm and lethargic way Xander was seen at the moment, his head was once again on fire.

"How on earth did things escalated real quick like this?"

"How the bloody hell am I gonna tell Eros about this?"

He pondered.

And after a second he asked.

"Dad, can I go back to the site?"


          ° = °

<1092> words.


This chapter was easy to type... I dunno why.

Any way... I Just had the first person ever to read my book in one go and vote on the way and - wipes a tear-  that made me so happy!

Dedicated to -
thank you for adding my book to your reading lists asn leaving sweet little votes.

So how is your pride month going?

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now