Evoked Feelings

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*not edited. I'll edit this next week guys 😁😬*

    *Evoked feelings *

{sorry for the late update folks... I've been editing my other novel WhatsApp became the worst app ever a little bit!}

Fudge = fuck {it's slang} 😅😶😁


Xander tried to lift his face but the throbbing headache did not help him at all.

The pillow case smelled fresh and new and as he took a deep breath wincing his eyes, he felt somewhat better.

             After a minute or so he turned on to his back and rubbed his eyes to get rid of the blurriness. His eyes were tearing from exhaustion and the pain from the headache.

As his vision became clear he realised that he was not in the usual guest room at Tiron's. It was a much smaller bedroom room that he had been in before.

"Hell of a no way! TIRON! What the fudge! "
Xander cursed in his mind as the realization hit him.

              He stared at the beautiful tapestry that was hung on the wall. It matched the oceanic theme that the room was going for as it had marine creatures and mermaids in it.
                                  Xander sat on the edge of the bed trying to get off but he felt as if somebody had been punching him for the past couple of hours as he was out of energy and out of strength.

          He slowly grabbed the glass of water that was on the bedside table and drank it slowly gulp by gulp, thinking that it would help him with the sick feeling he had.


                    But quite sadly it did not as after few minutes he was throwing up in the adjoining bathroom.

It was disgusting!.

Xander clenched his fist as his other hand grabbed the ring of the commode to support himself as he was emptieng his  stomach.

His eyes were tearing because of the headache and the disgusting smell of the vomit. And Xander scrunched his nose and closed his eyes as the vomit made the water to splash on to his face. 


   Finally he spat to get rid of the nauseating feeling in his mouth and the taste of vomit as well as the metallic after taste it left in his mouth.

After he flushed the toilet he decided to take a warm shower to wash away the irksome feeling he had.
The mild warm water that ran down his body made him feel like he was getting a soothing embrace and Xander rinsed his mouth and gargled to clean it  as well

Xander scrubbed his body and waited until his headache subsided before  getting  out of the shower.

Wrapping a towel around his waist he, went to the walk in closet that was built in and  picked a pair of black  shorts and a white t-shirt.

He could hear his stomach growling as he was incredibly hungry but he was much better than he was.


As he walked towards the dining area he was greeted by the smell of wagyu beef and roasted potatoes and he knew he was in for a treat.

Taking a seat near the glass wall that was viewing the endless ocean Xander texted Tiron asking where the hell they were but it was neither  replied nor seen.

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now