Eh!! What Just Happened?

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After the short dinner with Rick that took place in a nearby restaurant, the reason for the change of project plans became obvious to Xander.

Even his infant business knowledge could see that the he area had no potential of being a tourist spot or a residential area for masses . It was not a much of an advanced area people would find desirable to live.  The area had a homey feel to it with the largest building in sight being only three stories tall. Xander guessed their building to be the highest there.

Though the food was good the restaurant was anything but fancy.
It was the type of place that a school kid would run to grab some after school snack.

On their way back to the house Xander asked Rick to stop at a supermarket to do a quick shopping.

"Anything you want me to buy sir?"
Rick asked getting ready to go out from the car.

"Yeah buy one sample from each and every Ramen along with other necessary items......Umm.... Is the kitchen equipped?." Xander asked him while handing him his cards.

"Yes sir. We only need to buy the cooking ingredients."

With that Rick was gone and Xander watched the glass doors closing behind Rick once he entered the shop.

The entire shop was the size of former his living room and to see how many items could fit in there amazed him.

The place looked cramped but cozy.
Something about it , perhaps the isles that were placed to close that two people could not pass each other made him feel warm inside and all of a sudden he regretted the thought of not joining Rick.

He gave it a second thought and was almost about to go when a beep bothered him.

He took his phone with an annoyed look but his face soon lit up seeing who was that.

But the smile soon faded in to an annoyed look remembering the situation he was in.

He doubted whether to reply him right away and decided not to when another message from Tiron popped in.

"Hay why the hell my message is seen and not replied?

Xander was then typing a reply to Tiron after reading it, while cursing whoever that invented WhatsApp.

Seriously for heavens sake why to mark whether the message was read or not? Crazy people with crazy thoughts.!!!

Xander started to tap on his phone

"Nothing man."

"Nothing? Nah there can be anything but nothing man. I know what happened"

"Lysandro told ya?"

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now