Engulfed By A Thought

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@my grandma's
3.28 in the morning it's raining outside as a storm BURAVI is leaving Sri Lanka to head her way towards India. Anyway hi there  I'm back with another chapter.


"well that's not a nice thing to say about your boyfriend brother"

Harmony's  words occurred and reoccurred in Xander's mind as he rolled in his bed.

He rolled to his back and faced the white  ceiling  and sighed.

"Huh... Wonder what that meant". He thought to himself.

In one hand he was happy and elated that he got to know that Eros was gay and it was a pleasant surprise for him.
But he was quite despondent once he got to know that he already had a boyfriend. 

It was like an unfortunate turn of events for him.

Eventhough they have just met in person and spoke to each other Xander couldn't help but to feel an attachment for Eros and Harmony.

"That little girl"
He tought smiling to himself

She was more of a monkey herself than a young girl. Covered in dirt and almost  ragged cloths.

"Should get her some new cloths one day " 

All of a sudden he was filled with care and concern. Indeed it was a rare sight to see a spoilt brat taking care of the ones in need.

Xander wanted to build up the relationship even further with the two. Who knows may be they will open his eyes in to the so called realistic world Xander's father was talking about.

Xander rolled on to his belly and hugged the pillow.

Resting his head upon it he pondered "May be then father will consider me more responsible and more aware of the matters. And eventually a better and an ideal  candidate to be the CEO of The Ideal's....... Better than Lysandro!"

No matter how hard Xander try to deny it, he missed bienf the pampered kid.
   He was the parent's pet from the beginning and not Lysandro. Xander's parents often treated him as a Prince and there is nothing to doubt when someone says that he is born with a sliver spoon in his mouth. He was spoilt too much and had almost know knowledge on people and the society as he was homeschooled for the first 15 years of his life.

He was a grown up when things happened. And he was a mature man by law. Yet he would often times behave as somebody that as born yesterday!.

His sorrow of the past surfaced over guilt  whenever he would recall what happened with Jason and I was convinced that all the peasants are after money and that's all.

But now looking at Harmony he felt that they needed it.

Xander lifted his face from the pillow and  rubbed his mouth and then buried  his face back making his   wrinkled brows hide in the comfy pillow.

He badly wanted to stay here and build up a connection with them. His stay here was almost coming to an end and it was as clear as crystals that Mr. Russo is going to suspect that he is up to something if he asked to stay here of long.

Sometimes Xander was  sorta miffed at the way how his parents dealt with him. But parents are meant to be annoying anyway!.

And also to add insult to injury Tiron's goddamn birthday part is also coming closer.

Normally he would have been over the moon at a news like that as he would be wanting to escape from the place as soon as possible. But this time it was not.

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now