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Xander ~ the night ||part - 1||

It was almost as if someone tried to vacuum seal his mouth. The air in the room was suddenly cold and freezing and then hot.

Xander felt like he was in a tiny room in which the oxygen was running out.

He inhaled deeply unknowingly and took one step towards Eros who was engrossed in his work as he was drilling holes on the wood frames, unaware that he was being supervised by his boss.

And to Xander's dismay, there were others workers there. And what he thought to be the perfect timing just turned into the worst timing ever with that!

What the hell were they doing so late at night?
Don't they have any other work to do?

So to look less suspicious and creepy, Xander walked past Eros who jumped to the side, away from Xander as he strode next to him as if he was an electric eel that his intuition warned him to avoid.

And he noded trying to build a friendly atmosphere around him because as he realised just then he was literally on a building that was being built with a bunch of unfamiliar faces.

The workers however were neither intimidated nor excited to see him there. After nodding back at him and offering a smile that did not reach their eyes, they fell back into their usual work routine.

And once Xander got to the floor above him where there were no people, he was surprised by how soothing the view was.

The starless night sky spreading above him like a cold black blanket while the city shone with golden rays of artificial lights.

Xander breathed in the night air. It was a mixture of the warm dusty smell of concrete and smoke rising from the bottom of the site, paired with the nauseating stench of cigarette smoke to which the workers were to be blamed.

The anxious boy [age wise Xander is an adult] inhaled. And exhaled. And then repeated to process.

He felt the weight which was dragging him down and holding him back, losing up a bit.

The air became more breathable and the night that wrapped his pale skin was as cold as his father's attitude towards him.

But inside he felt happy and warm. Almost as if there was a ray of sunshine that pierced through the gloomy, glumly, despondent heart.

He stood on the edge of the slab patiently being careful, not to go too close to the edge as the wind breezed through his white baggy shirt and dark green shorts.

In his mind, he was thinking about the arrangements he made. Matthew was sent to his room early and the bath was ready. Protection, at the bedside table. And everything else that was needed on there as well.

                        And the more and more Xander thought about it, the more nervous he got. And more sweaty his hands felt and more anxious he got.

And all of a sudden Xander wanted to go back. Go back to his room and shut himself in. This was a bad bad idea.
A terrible one. He stood there, only God knew for how long, letting all the negative thoughts take over him.

                     His heart rate rose as anxious feelings flooded the torn helpless heart.

[A/N ~ if you caught it I'm a BiT oF a Poyet okay 👌😏]

And he almost had a heart attack when he heard someone clearing his throat behind him.

"Um... Sir. Everyone had gone down."

Xander's eyes stopped on the troubled Eros that stood before him, wet from sweat and wearied from working, tiered and lagged from all the toil and labour.

"Oh! They... They have all gone down?"
Asked Xander.

"Yes sir..."

Xander stood there on his spot.

"I see"
He muttered slowly and taking his time while the other stood there awkwardly unsure of whether to leave this man alone or be with him.

"None down there?"

"I don't quite know sir. But I bet there aren't because when the site manager asked me to check if you had already left, we all were almost leaving the place."

This was the most Xander had heard Eros say.

And looking at him batting his black eyelashes Xander thought of a way to get there. A way to get to his plan.

A way to get to his...

" Okay then. After you."
He said shrugging his shoulders awkwardly.
"...also call me Xander. Please."

"Um... Okay."
Eros muttered and turned to his back.

And Xander knew that he had to act fast. Think fast and come up with something.

And that something was to fall off and pretend that he broke his leg.


Something that hit Xander straight off the bat was how rough Eros's hands were. There were not sandpaper rough but Xander could definitely feel that it was anything but smooth.

And he was strong!

Xander felt happy and frizzy inside when he scooped him from the floor but his feelings soon vanished after realising how close they were.

His chest was inches away from his face and all thoughts escaped his head as he looked up at Eros who was clearly avoiding looking down at him.

His heart was about to burst and Xander did not dare to move a single muscle in his body.

He could feel himself catching feeling for the man that was holding him.

Falling for him and almost falling in love with him!

It was the same dumb feeling that he associated with Jason.

And as he lay on his hands frozen he did not even feel his bruised knees.

And once he got back to his house and saw Eros facial expressions he did not feel guilty at all.

Have a nice day little cupcakes!

Vote if you doted what I wrote!
Dedicated to ~
Thank you for your votes and comments guys!

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now