Enough Already!!

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"Woah what a fresh hell is this?"

Xander thought looking at the disaster  right before him.

     He slept soundly for almost  two hours  on the way to the construction site from home. The ride on the highway was smooth and he fell in to a deep sleep which is why the ride on the gravel roads didn't wake him up as they got close to the site.

And when Rick shook his shoulder to wake him up he was cuddling in the arms of aan that looked like a Greek God in his dream.

    A disappointment that was.....

     " What? "

Xander asked while clearing his eyes and Rick answered "We arrived sir".

Xander turned his head to look at the construction site and he could see thick fumes of concrete dust through the car door. Raising towards the sky as if they too wanted to escape this place. The machines shone under the hot sun and despite the scorching weather the workers were wearing thick clothes that covered their entire body.

Yeah it indeed looked like a fresh hell.

The thought of even walking around this for few minutes made his head spin but the thought of retiring to a hotel room after that and spending the rest of the day calmed him. 

       The building was halfway done and  already had six stories almost finished.
  But the top two ones had a bit of a sketchy look . 

Xander wondered why because he knew that the project started nearly one and half years ago and to his assumptions the building should be at least double the size of what's standing in front of him now. It was something that  was laying at the back of his mind so he knew he could be wrong. 

    Also he was quite concerned as the outside space was not big enough for a hotel. A parking parking was there on the ground floor and it seemed all finished and done. But he couldn't imagine a future pool in the space that's available.

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now