Enervate And Sad.

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Hai there... I just felt like putting this message up here.... Of you find any typos or grammar mistakes in the novel please be kind enough to point them out. I would not edit them out right away though!. But I'll try my level best to edit them... ❤️

Enervate and sad!
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Xander was leaning against the seat of his car with crossed legs.  His eyes were glued to the road even though he paid no attention to the city's traffic.

He felt drained and exhausted.

Inside the car, a pin drop silence was ruling and Mathew was pondering what had gotten wrong with him.

Mathew knew by instincts that the troubling young man loved it at Tirons'.

It was his job to accompany him whenever Ricky was not around. And from the frequent visits to Tirons' place he had learnt that they were best friends.

So the grumpy  attitude in Xander's gloomy face made Mathew wonder what had gotten on to the young masters'  head

Xander's eyes flickered as they reached the mansion. He unfastened his seat belt and straightened his posture.

The gates were opened by the security and Mathew drove the car in the long road that lead to Tirons' mansion.

He appeared to be quite uneasy and tensed. The fact that he had not phoned or texted to Tiron came to Mathew as a surprise.

Even though he cared not about what was going on Xander's mind, he could not help but inquire.

"Is there something bothering you sir?"

"Huh?"  Xander asked quite confused while looking at him all of a sudden. Noticing this Mathew repeated himself.

"Is there something bothering you sir?"

"Aah! This something nothing!"   Xander frowned in anger with his twitched brows. 

His eyes glued back to the window and he stared into nothingness once again.
Mathew watched his sad face upon what the evening shadows of the passing trees fell, as they neared the house.

Xander saw two figures appearing from the mansion door and descending the stairs perhaps to welcome him.

And as they closed them Xander brows twitched once more.

What was HE doing here?
When was HE invited to this house?
When did HE befriend Tiron?

Tiron hugged Xander as soon as he got out of the car.

"Hey man! Look who decided to join the fun!"

His skinny frame was covered in a baggy white shirt and dark green shorts.

"So you're happy now."  Xander asked frowning.

His eyes were squinted because of the strong sunlight that penetrated him.

"Yaah!  Don't be so stubborn! Where is your new-found other half? Didn't bring him here?"
Tiron asked buzzing from happiness.

The tone of cheerfulness did not reach Xander at all.

"The other half?. What's that?"  Lysandro who was done with talking to the driver came towards them looking curious.

"Oh...! It is your big bro....." Tiron responded but Xander cut in.

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now