Xander ~ The Night Before

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Xander ~ the night before


Xander woke up lying on the floor with the sheets wrapped around his bare body.

With his face rested upon the carpet he wondered what happened last night.

Was that a dream?
That had got to be a dream.

The dreamer stood up and made his way to the bathroom, tilting his head and stretching his arms as his back and hands felt stiff from the awkward sleeping position from the night before.

And while the breakfast he ditched waited in the kitchen getting too cold for human consumption making Mathew's master chef cooking skills go to waste, Xander decided on watching some teenage romcom on his laptop because he wanted to reset his mood.

And eventhough the cheesy romance between the teenage protagonist that looked twenty nine and her boyfriend that looked even older made him feel frizzy and bubbly inside as if he was blessed with hope and sunshine, when the time came Xander felt sick in the stomach.

And that was not because he was almost  starving. Xander sighed as he stared at the list of workers that were staying for the night shift to make sure that Eros was really there. Eros Blake.
That was a nice name.

It suited him so well. And with that Xander fell in to his usual thought cycle.
And all of a sudden felt madly intoxicated as if he was on drugs or some love portion.

How did infatuation dragged him along the lovesick lane so far like this?

Was he that desperate for attention or a partner?

Xander could not figure his own mind out.


Xander felt like going back. Running back in to the safety of his bedroom.

He did not have to do this. The place was dangerous! If something went wrong or if someone dropped a brick on his head he would probably die!

As he got closer and closer to the floor where Eros was working he felt like going back.

He felt his legs almost giving up both from the anxiousness and the tiresome duty of bringing him up there. There was a tight knot in his heart which made  it hard for him to breath and Xander almost dropped dead from a heart attack when the site manger appeared out of nowhere on the stairs right when he was about to take a turn.

"Oh! Mr Russo. Are you lost?"
Said he surprised and concerned about his new boss.

"Umm. Nah"
Xander answered awkwardly as he moved to the side to give the other more space to go downstairs so that they would make a quick exit.

But the site manager seemed to have had other plans in his head.

"Sir if you are here to see the progress of the project then I believe..."

He began and Xander cut him off straight away.

"Well no. I'm just here to see how things are going. You know..."
He began and the site manager was yet to be convinced.

"You know."
He repeated a second time as he fished for the right words. Right reasons to come up with to get rid of him.

"... to watch the city from up here...you know to take a couple of photos for... for my Instagram!"

He said mentally slapping himself and the confused man left him alone.

Cringing at his own awkwardness Xander made his way up the stairs further in to the building.

And when he saw Eros who was bending over a block of wood, soaked in sweat and dust from the wood he was drilling in to he felt all the heat in the sahara desert dripping down his body despite the coldness of the night.

Writer's block is a bitch. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Stay safe


Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now