In For A Surprise

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Tiron's yacht / on the island.

Selena's ~ it ain't me

Xander watched his brother who he left to his room while they were nearing the island as the slightly warm sea wind of the evening was hitting his face.

It was almost twilight and soon the night would fall and by the looks of it, there was going to be a party on the island tonight.

Xander saw Tiron and Ned getting up, probably to go do the same as Lysandro who left to get changed into different clothes and Xander couldn't help but follow.

Once he was in his room he changed to what he first got into at noon, after waking up, a late hangover in this yacht.

Xander's mind was doubting his own thoughts. Part of him wished to go back to where Eros was. And a part of him wanted to stay here and enjoy the moment. He wanted to forget everything and rejoice in his life and detach his mind from Eros and everything about him. He did not want his infatuation to grow into a crush and then give him hopes, to give him a bodily craving and all the feelings dope.

He did not want to put his hand in the furious flames of the ignited fire that he knew was hot as there would be no one to blame, once it burnt his hand.

A part of him, therefore, wanted to party and find another distraction. Something that would make him forget that low-class worker. That sweaty carpenter who worked on the fourth floor of his dad's building. That sexy ass......!

And a small part of him just wanted to go home.

Once he was dressed in a shirt and shorts, Xander was ready to go out. And once again, he was hungry because of all the swimming he did, even though they had small snacks every now and then, he wished he could eat a whale's diet now.

Xander checked himself in the mirror as the thought hit him.

A whale's diet! Maybe not.

He lifted the shirt up and turned a little bit to see two tiny folds forming in his skinny waist.

He turned straight and jumped a little bit to see the unsculpted loose skin almost flopping around.

And then he recalled Eros's skin.

Tan and strong, stretched upon his strong well-built muscles. And even though he had never done so, Xander could imagine what he would feel like.
Strong. And that would be it. Strong, stiff and masculine.

Very unlike his flimsy pale ghost like body that had visible black and brown spots covering it.

Taking the blow dryer Xander dried his hair up.

How very thoughtful of Tiron's staff. Or it could be Matthew but still, thank God he had his vital-when-his-is-about-to-hit-somebody  things with him.

And after his hair was dried to his liking  Xander styled it with only curling his hair just enough, following what he was given by design.

The curls he was gifted naturally from his mother's side of the family.

And he spent a couple of minutes deciding what kinda look he should go for after he concealed his eye bags and decided to apply a light peachy and pinkish lipstick and some rosegold highlighter on his checks defining his cheekbones.

Nothing crazy and extra but a simple and a more casual look.

Xander leaned towards the mirror to take a better look at himself. His eyes falling upon his plump lips that now shone in the bathroom light. They appeared more delicate than usual and Xander wondered what would Eros think if he happened to see him like this.

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now