Entering The Work field

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Dedicated to all the girls reading this 💕 say hi to me in the comments.....

After the tour around the building grounds Xander was exhausted. His head was slightly aching.

And his hair was wet from the sweat.

He was surprised by the way how his shirt was glued to himself because of the sweat.

He felt dreamy and light as a cloud. Sort of like that one day you played beach volleyball little too long.

Xander took a shower and decided to take a small nap. But somehow or another he ended up sleeping till 3pm.
He woke up at 3 pm because of a phone call he received from Rick asking him to come down do dine with him.

Rick had gone outside while he was still asleep and had bought some veggies to prepare a good balenced meal for both. For some heason he had a rivalry with ramen.

Rick was an all in one type of a body guard and he was more of a perosonal assistant than a bodyguard. He cooked decent meals and was a very obedient servant to the master he worked for.

Mr. Russo not Xander!

Before coming down to dine with him Xander spent a moment watching the workers back at it again.

They were working on the site as they were doing before and just to think that they had to go on like this day and night gave him another headache.

Xander watched Rick taking the bowls out and putting the ramen in. They were pretty large bowls and that's exactly what Xander wanted as he was almost starving.

The bowl of ramen was pretty good looking and appeared to be edible!

Rick was not a Michelin Star chef after all but a bodyguard.


Ricky stopped eating his ramen and lifted his head in confusion with his brows raised and forehead wrinkled.
He shot an amused look towards Xander. Like the way one would look at a person that has all of a sudden gone crazy.

"Why "

Xander asked noticing it.

"Huh" Rick laughed at himself making Xander agitated. He did not like the feeling.

He didn't wanna get exposed and he considered the chances of him stalking Mr. Sexy Ass and getting caught red handed by Rick.

The chances were very likely.

"What was that for?" He asked and he let out a fainted smile when Rick replied "Since when did you started caring about the business?"

Xander was much troubled and agitated at the remark and he reckoned that Rick is trying to tease him only.

But it brought to the fact thay this was all a part of one big punishment for misbehaving.

Xander sighed and quickly finished his bowl of ramen.


Xander walked around the plot of land that he examined early in the morning. The surroundings were much hotter and the ground seemed to reflect heat.

Things were still dusty and nasty for Xander's taste. But his hunting mind kept him going.

As he was already quite familiar with the surroundings he decided to go inside of the building. He was to make his way in when Ricky stopped him.

" Sir you need to wear protective hats for this" Ricky's voice was quite concerning.

"Then? Do you have any?" Xander asked with a dull voice hoping that he would not protest going inside as Xander did not want to go inside the massive skull of a building alone.

"No sir but we can get them from the site manager"

Rick pointed a small box like thing that was on to the side of the constructing grounds.

As they made their way closer Xander could see a sign that said "MANAGER "
on the wall of it.

Seeing the the stout man stepped out side with the cheerful look from before. And when asked he provided the safety hats. Yet he protested my idea of going in to the building.

"Oh no sir it can be quite dangerous. There is always a chance for any danger to happen and it is better not to go inside!. Especially during the work ours when all the machines are operating".

He appeared to be really stressed out about the issue. Yet after a minute or two of convincing him that it'll be fine he agreed to take them on a tour inside the building, we'll the skeleton of a building.

They were on the second floor of the building where there were some carpentry action was going on.

People were taking measures of the window frames and cutting wood. And joining them and curiing glasses on the spot to finish off the windows.

Xander watched the way how smoothly the cutting blades ran on the surface of the wood creating a very fine line. He watched the strips of wood falling and flying away in the air like angelic hair. The wood strips were as thin as papers. And light yellow strips that were light and long floated like feathers. They landed on the ground slowly like ribbons on hair.

It was quite satisfying to watch and Xander couldn't help but to feel envy at their job.

Things are easier to be done nowadays and he wondered why they didn't order already made windows before hand.

Xander inquired the.manager about it and he replied "This apartment is actually built for the working staff of
" The Ideals' " Sir . So they are actually choosing and building up their own home."

Xander watched his eyes gleaming with joy. He was for sure quite ecstatic about the whole thing.

And the manager had more things to say. Directing the two towards one side he showed them a window frame that was already finished.

" You see this one sir? . It is made by Jonathan one of the chaps that work here "

Xander had a closer look there.

There were palms, seashells and starfishes carved in to the wood of the frame and though not of an aesthetically impressive note, it was quite beautiful. The setting sunrays fell upon it giving it a holiday vibe.

" Okay shall we go to the upstairs now?"

Ricky asked quite anxiously and a smirk tugged the sides of Xander's cheeks as he realised that Rick was not buying it.

In replyimg him the manager began,
"Yes of cour......" But the sound of his voice was muted by a screaming that was followed by a shouting of some grown ass men.

"He has been cut!!!"

"He is bleeding "



Xander looked at the manager in confusion and his face was wan and white as he was wondering what the hell just happened.

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Also of you like recommend some songs for the chapter..... ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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