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Xander's lethargic voice murmured as he answered the call that woke him up.

Moments ago his hand was  almost on mission impossible as he blindly ran his hand  along the bed sheets fishing for his phone.

"Hay you slum dog !!! How could you ignore me like that aah....."

Tirons threatening tone almost tore the tissues of Xander's ear.

"Urh shut up"

Xander murmured and dismissed the call and his head fell back in to the pillow.

In no time his phone was ringing again and suppressing his urge to throw it across the room he answered it.

"Fuck you Tiron lemme get some sleep"

" Get up you lazy ass!!  Im not hanging up untill you explain me what's going on.". Then he changed his voice to a
"child whose candy is stolen" and continued
                "You have never done this to me beforrrre..... I'm hurt"

"Shut up... did Zombies snuck up your pants that you woke so early to day?"

" What early it's almost 2 pm??"

Tiron questioned and Xander got off from his bed and  grabed  the curtains before the glass wall that was facing the other building and pulled them aside.

A full bright sunrays of the evening sun fell of his face blinding him and he falls back muttering a curse.

" Why did you call? "
Xander asked and Tiron answered

" Before that tell me what happened last night?"

With that Xander's mind was replaying the memories of last night

" a small sexy ass  that was swinging in accord with the swing of the waist
on their way to a store door...."

Xander shook his head dismissing the thought and said

" Ti's something nothing Tiron don't. ask more on it. NOW!  can you please tell me why you phoned"

Xander asked.

"It's my birthday next week. You're coming?"

"You phoned to tell me that?"
Xander asked as a yawn escaped his mouth.

" Yap your in?"

"What the hell it's in a week's time men remind me the day before.
Of course I'm in  you dimwit......  I can't believe you called me to tell me that"   Xander barked in.

" Nah I wanna know what happened last night as well. Oh come on there's nothing you can't tell me. Why you had a little something something with Rick hhuh"

    Xander shook his head in disbelief as the chuckles escaped from Tiron.

      This man is insane!!

Probably later Tiron I'm not in the right mood to talk about it."
   Xander said in a concened voice which made Tiron become suspicious.

Xander had never been so keen and thoughtful and all the most so private about anthing.

       Tiron was the one he ran in to the hands of when there was no helping and the  world stood against him.
Tiron knew everything about his love life, personal life, professional life.....

                   He knew how pathetic and lonely Xander felt at home. He knew the way Xanders parents treat Xander and Lysandro differently and how that had affected Xander quite negatively.

Well come to think of it almost anybody can get the situation and feel for Xander, anyway!.
          Who would be happy if their parents put their trust upon the teenage younger brother than the adult older brother?

That was the situation Xander was in.
Behind the outer shell of a carefree playboy  pampered kid,  he was a concerned and anxious one with much insecurities.


After the phone call Tiron was quite thoughtful. He leaned to his office desk and fell in to a thought.

Engulfed in his thoughts , he didn't even noticed time passing. He jeked up when all of a sudden his secretary's voice reached him through the intercom.

"Sir the meeting starts at 3.00 and our clients are waiting for you" Pema, his secretary said and  Tiron walked out of his room,  removing Xander from his thoughts.

The meeting ended successfully and the contracts were signed at a point benefiting Tirons'  company, more accurately his father's company.

Tiron was on his way home with his dad and of course, dad was the one to drive.  So Tiron had ample time in his hands to concentrate his thoughts on his friend and he did not hear his father talking to him.

"Tiron?". In a stern tone, his father questioned and Tiron turned to him wondering why.

"What dad?"

     He asked. He wondered what had gone wrong for his father to be so strict now as today was quite a great day.

"What's the matter, young man?
I've been praising you for your good work and you've been looking away from the window all the time. Something is bothering you?"
His father asked, his voice filled with fatherly love.

"No dad I was..uh I was thinking of my upcoming birthday. That's it..."
Tiron said almost slapping himself in his mind.

Of course, he couldn't tell his father that he was thinking of his frustrated famous bad boyfriend.

Though he himself was a bad boy Tiron did all that, spending the money he received from his parents. He never asked extra.

Unlike Xander's, their family was not an upcoming one that had a history of more than fifty years.  It was a family business which was much guaranteed
and trusted by all in the industry.

So at the tender age of fourteen Tiron knew almost everything about business and had his money invested in the stock market. When he was 16  the little sum he invested had skyrocketed and of course, he spent almost all of that to enjoy his life, off-limits without bothering his parents.

Of course, he was intelligent enough not to tell all of that to his parents.
But even if they knew they would care less.

After they arrived home they had an eat-out to congratulate Tiron on his success.

While the celebration is going on Tiron wondered what Xander might have done after the phone call.

Probably had gone to bed again.
He thought.

And let me tell ya that he was wrong.

Hay lovelies how are you all doing?

Does it sound like Tiron is up to something??


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Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now