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Xander tried to fall asleep after the phone call with Tiron but that didn't work out.

Eventhough he felt somewhat exhausted due to not getting enough sleep he couldn't make himself fall asleep.

It's true that he slept until noon but his sleep last night, to be more accurate his sleep from last night to today's noon, was an interrupted one.

Right at the moment he reached the arms of the sleep god, a sexy butt came to his mind.

He couldn't get his mind out of it and it appeared and reappeared, while generating heat in his body.

For a reason he didn't really know, his body and mind seem to desire the one that owned that sexy ass that he saw before the store.

The more he tried to shake him out of his mind the more he shooted in.

The night became pure torture as he himself couldn't figure out what was going on in his own mind.

The last time he was like this was during his encounter with Jason which left himself with hell pain.

Xander vowed at himself to not to fall head over heels for any guy like he fell for Jason.

    Once bitten and twice shy and with one blow he had said good bye.

Though many people say life is all about second chances Xander could not figure out what that meant.

In his mind what it meant was giving the gold digger ,cheater and a self centred bastered like Jason another chance to gift himself  with cars and sex.

For him second chances meant giving someone a chance to make a fool out of himself and get himself emotionally devastated.

So hence forward commitment and dedication and intimacy when it comes to relationships ran away from his dictionary.

Xander's head was slightly throbbing when he decided to get down from his bed as trying to sleep didn't really seem to work out.

He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He felt some what refreshed he felt somewhat wiered brushing his teeth when it was almost evening.

He turned on the shower and had a warm bath that washed away any remaining lazyness out from his body and he felt refreshed and the mint scented candles that he lit before the bath drove away the lethargic feeling in himself.

It was nearly 8.pm the time he got out of the shower. He took ample time to shave his face as well as his body because he obviously had nothing else to do at the moment.

After the shower he went straight down to the kitchen in his bathrobe. He could care less to put on some proper cloths.

I mean what is the use when you are alone by yourself.

Once he was done preparing the bowl of ramen. He took a book from the library and went back to his bed room.

He hated it when he had to eat alone at a table when there is nobody else accompanieng him. He hated the sight of empty chairs reserved by ghosts.

But when it comes to his bed room he liked to dine in there the most eventhough he was lonely there as well. It made him more comfy.

He sat on his king sized bed with crossed legs with the book opened before him.

For heavens sake it was a book on business and a guide on how to improve leadership qualities as well as the relationship with workers.

Xander muttered a curse and his mind settled at the closed thick curtains before the glass wall that was facing the other building.

He could slightly hear the concrete mixture and the generators.

For some reason he walked up to it and removed the curtains and held his stare.

The fourth floor building had huge windows on both sides that you could see the city lights through it.

It was like a thickly framed picture of a night sky or a galaxy.

      Xander gazed in to that with an amused eye.

The floors were illuminated with huge orange and yellowish lights that helped the workers to continue working.

Xander wondered how they managed to work during day and night. Of course industrial workers had to work hard and to put a lot of physical effort in to their job.

He wondered how they strained themselves during day and night and still managed to stay alive!.

He continued to stare at the workers when he suddenly felt sympathetic for them.

Wonder when they have some fun time with their families?

Do they ever party?

For the first time in many years he felt so concerned and curious about outsiders that has got nothing to do with his life.

Strangers that would never meddle with his life or even come across with him.

The feeling was so strange and new to him as he has not felt this way ever since his broke up with Jason.

Xander continued to watch the workers for a while. He derived his eyes from one floor to the other untill his eyes reached the ground floor.

Two men came and jumped from one of the low holes that are for windows.

They walked along the building walls and all of a sudden one of them fell forward because he had unseen a pipe that was lying before him.

The other was quick enough to catch him and his bright yellow hard hat fell off.
His mate was quick enough to pick it up for him and the two proceeded as if nothing much happened.

It was a moment of a common accident that mattered nothing for those two workers.

But for Xander who was watching it from four floors above, it was a ureka moment.

He thanked for whatever the force that made him stare at this raising building and he couldn't help but to feel blissful.

A smile tugged his lips to the side as all his worries seemed  to come to an end. 

  Xander almost let out a laugh!

He indeed felt like a creepy maniac doing so as he had not done it in so many years. But something made him feel that this moment of euphoria would worth it.

He took his phone and started searching about the places that are under construction in the area he his in and yes he was right .

The moment of excitement really worthed it and his efforts had its results to benefit him.

The place was the only one that is under construction and knowing the fact that many workers don't leave the town during the working days, the owner of that sexy ass must work here.


Xander curled in his bed in happiness as he slowly digested what he just learned.

He had never felt a feeling like that ever before. Not for sure in his recent life.
He felt as if he achieved something.

All of a sudden he felt sunny and cheery.

He thanked who ever that invented bright yellow hard hats while wolfing down the  ramen he made for himself that had gone cold .

Though he has previously claimed that cold ramen is the most disgusting and gross thing ever he was leaping with happiness as he was sucking in the strings of ramen.

He indeed carried  a sense of achievement with him as he slept soundly that night.




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inspire me. 💕💖💗💕💖💗

Bye stay safe, 🤗😷

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now