End Of Encounter

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Bad habits by Ed

Xander walked out of the shower with a towel loosely hanging from his waist.

Eros was still sleeping sound like a baby. Xander did not try to  wake him up when he first woke up in the morning as he assumed Eros was tired and in need of a rest after the night together.

The morning sun was yet to make an appearance which meant that they had time to get ready and go with little to no trace left behind from their secret encounter. Xander did not want Eros to be seen as he leaves his place. That could cause rumours and rumours meant double trouble.

Xander looked at his mistake that layed sound asleep snuggled amidst the blankets, his sun-kissed shoulders peeking out. It would be a lie to say that the urge to kiss those shoulders was not a real struggle.  Xander was tempted by the  God of temptation who ironically shared his name with Eros to rest his lips upon it.

But he could not give in to the temptation that surfaced in full force like a tsunami. As the tide would destroy whatever that is left behind.

Because they had to part ways. They must part ways. This was not right. This was not doing any good to either of them.

Xander sighed and shook his head.

He slowly and reluctantantly placed his hand on Eros's shoulder and shook him.

And surprisingly Eros woke up right away as if he was threatened by someone. As if he knew he was there.

"Um... Sorry."
Xander muttered in confusion to why Eros looked that frightened just by a simple touch of a hand.

His eyes wide awake and his mouth which Xander kissed the night before partly open Eros looked at the man before him as if he had seen a ghost.

"Uhh? Huh?"
Eros quickly straightned his back as he tried to sit on Xander's bed.

"Are you okay?"
Xander questioned as suspicion crept in to his head. This was unlikely of any partner he had ever been with.

Why does he look so confused?
Does he not remember what happened last night?

Xander discarded all those thoughts as he knew there was no room for such happenings. He was completely sober when the encounter happened and though they fell a sleep because of exhaustion there was no way for him to forget their night.

"Could exhaustion erase memories?"
Xander came to think as he watched Eros.

"Are you alright?".
Xander asked one more time as Eros gave no answer.


Eros gave a short reply still looking traumatised. He was avoiding Xandner's eyes and his buff body moved with each and every heavy breath he was taking.

"Okay then."
Xander replied and the room fell in to a silence.

None of the two dared to break the prevailing muteness as they were unsure of each others feelings. There was something that bound the two while at the same time pushing them towards the opposite ends. And they were not sure what that was either.

"You can take the shower?"
Xander suggested as he knew that Eros had to go for work.

"You know... it... it would be better."
Xander stuttered which came to he himself as a surprise as such behavior was unusual in situations like this. Situations that he had mastered in handling before.

"Of I can leave right? I know. But..."
Eros finished the sentence before Xander who was fishing for words.

Said Xander and if one was to say that there was a hint of frustration or a hint of    disappointment they would not be wrong.

Eros sighed down as he stood up. And Xander drew his eyes away  from the body to which he made love a handful of hours ago.

"But before I go can I ask you something?"
Questioned Eros.

Replied the guilty one.

"Have you taken any STD tests recently?"
He asked and Xander just stood there staring at him.

"I'm a prostitute you know and your behaviour."
Eros stated straight away as he saw the confusion on Xander's face.

"No. I don't have any STD."
Xander said and smiled.

Said Eros who stood on the other side of the bed naked as if his feet were glued to the floor.

"You can take a shower. I'm going out alone and I'll ask Matthew to leave the door open."


"And can you keep what happened a secret?"


"Thank you"

"You are welcome"

At the end of the day it was an erotic encounter at their eruption of emotions that sparked a love with no devotion.

|~|THE END|~|

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Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now