Eros's Pathos - After they ECOUNTERED.

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Life felt unreal. There was no sense of time either. Not that he was deprived of a calendar or a clock but because he did not care. He wanted company, a human connection. He had a phone, he knew the numbers but he did not call them. He had no idea what happened or how things happened either. 

Eros made himself comfortable as he sank in to the comfort of the chair that he dragged to the corner of the room. The corner, where the window was. His eyes stopped at the sky scrapers that could be seen from far away. Thought it was far far away Eros could still make out what building "The ideals" was. Xander must be there. He must be having a jolly well time with his good for nothing friends. Eros thought while fuming from his ears. It's not that he wanted Xander's company. But he wanted someone. Someone to be with him.

Long always, countless room, giant yards but no one home. Xander's mansion was lonely. So lonely that it felt like a glamorous haunted house. 

Xander wondered what he was up to . What kind of a party he was attending to. It didn't feel like one of those fuck boy parties that he and his friends often threw. If so then he'd have Xander there as well.

"Is he........ Is he seeing someone else?."

Eros's heart dropped for a second.

" If Xander was to find another lover then what would become of him?"

A dry feeling chocked up his throat and Eros began coughing.

"Do you need some water Eros?"

He heard Simon say.

"No. I'm fine."

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A/N - short chapters because I'm planning on writing on my way home!!!! So the chapter's would have random endings ;)

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now