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A note from Dini Kal...

Here is an update after how long I dunno..... 🤔🤔😅🙄😐

I decided to update a chapter here since the other book I'm working on had hit 1K reads!

So I was so happy and felt like giving some attention to my abandoned kids.
This book is as abandoned as Mr Russo abandoned Xander!

"Eros........ Is this you...!"

Harmony answered the phone that was ringing as Eros was the only person whom she could imagine would phone Rachel at this hour of the day.

But instead, she was met with a grown man's voice that was not Eros's.

" Wait... Who did you say?"

" Umm... Oh, I'm sorry... but who are you?"
Realising that she had mistaken the caller, questioned Harmony while Rachel walked into the room with her towel wrapped around her.

"Who is that honey?"
She asked the young child sweetly.

"Oh, there you are."
Said Harmony giving her a look as soon as she saw Rachel coming in.

"A random freak" Harmony muttered dramatically at Rachel as she was trying to figure out who was the caller.

Rolling her eyes at her Rachel answered the phone. And her cheerful, jovial nature soon disappeared and was replaced with a serious one.

She was nodding her head slightly while the suspicious youngster was watching her with wide blue eyes.

. "I see... Oh... Yeah... I know...Oh, that's very unfortunate!"

The words escaped her mouth as her eyes lingered on the floor. She seemed to have taken a sudden interest in the old wood that was used for the flooring.

After few minutes of listening to the caller, she said,

"Okay...  I will come!"

Rachel had the heart attack of her life when Eros decided to break into the room with no prior warning.

She was shaking when he barged in and looked at him with unwinking eyes for few seconds.

Even Eros shot back a confused look at her before grabbing the ragged towel that was resting on the chair. He badly needed a new one by the way.

Harmony shrugged her shoulders at him when Eros gave a dramatic inquiring look at her. It earned a comforting and reassuring smile from Rachel as she tried to convince the two that nothing out of ordinary was going on.

It is an odd thing to say as this orphanage was a place where the orphans did not leave once they reached adulthood. And was not living in normal condition when they were small children either.

A place that was more of a brothel house rather than an orphanage as the dwellers of the house were sold as prostitutes to make money to make the owners happy.

Even though both Eros and Rachel were missed at the system, they knew that they could not get away from that.
They both were already decided to make as much money as possible and move into a house. And the worker-friendly environment was just making their lives easier. Or course what they would both earn would suffice the daily needs for a family of three.

But they did not have enough money to go get proper health insurance. And just in the case of an emergency, they would have no one to have their backs.

But the orphanage's fundings and what they have earned them through sex work, which would be way more than the amount needed in case of an emergency, to be honest, covered the expenses of all the emergencies.

That was one of the main reasons that kept the orphans attached to the orphanage.

They may have to go through endless discrimination. They may have to go through endless sleepless nights. And they may have to deal with drunk men an md women who at sometimes twice their age. But the protection and having a roof above their head mattered.

Also, some even considered staying there as they would have a glimpse of the life of luxury. And would get a chance to live a life of a rich, at least for a day. That they would not even see if not for the brothel of an orphanage they lived in.

Guess some people have questionable motives?

Even though it may seem questionable it made a lot of sense once you were in the situation. Yet for Eros, getting drunk and making love to a stranger that he did not even know was weird ams awkward.

Also, it was terrifying as the decision to wear protection was solely the choice of the buyer not them.

Of course, he had men and women that hired him quite often and therefore was comfortable with them. But deep inside in a corner of his heart, he knew this was not what he was meant to do.

Not the person he meant to be.

And also going to bed with a female client sounded like a pain in the ass for him because he was gay and not straight or bisexual.

That was why the new housing project by "The Ideals" sounded like a good plan to him.

It took so much burden away from him and Eros was more than thankful for Mr Russo, a man he had not even seen much in real life for his generosity and kindness.

The whole situation was very much considerate of him and Eros felt like Mr Russo had no idea how helpful he was being for the poor.

Eros left the room to go to the shower while making a funny face at Harmony.

The little girl whose life was made much easier by the caring couple that he was with, smiled back.

Right after the caller disconnected his phone Rachel ran behind Eros, calling his name.

She said almost out for breath while panting.

"There is a booking for the day, You are booked by Mr Hernandez for two days!"


Hay my lovelies after a long long time...

Sry... I'm updating my book WhatsApp became the worst app ever almost daily nowadays and Encounter would not get fast updates...

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now