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Song ~ All of me by John Legend
{ it is just perfect 😍}

Song ~ All of me by John Legend { it is just perfect 😍}

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Eros let out a long sigh and buried his head under Xander's neck.

       He turned towards Xander for a better reach before starting to kiss that delicate pale skin.

As he was doing so Xander tightened his grip around  Eros's waist, his slender fingers digging into the defined, sculpted body of his lover.

Xander's neck that tilted backward stayed the same as he rejoiced the passionate kiss.

"But why?"

Xander blurted out. He still needed his answers.

"I was scared."
Said, Eros.

Turning his head towards Eros to meet his eyes, Xander spoke: "But why..."
And before he could complete Eros broke in, " Because I was ashamed!. Scared and ashamed, Xander. I felt like I did not deserve to be loved".

Xander straightened his posture on the bed making Eros who was half lying on top of him slide to the left.

                  His eyebrows twitched as a look of sorrow clouded his furrowed face.
The sides of his mouth were turned downwards while his lips remained tightly sealed.

After a sigh, he began to speak.
"Why?... why would you do that to yourself?"

He questioned while caressing Eros's baby mustache with his thumb.

Eros closed his eyes as his head rested upon Xander's chest.
Xander placed his head upon the thick black locks of Eros's hair and repeated himself.

" But why Eros? "

" You have no idea how it feels like to be an orphan Xander," Eros spoke.

After a pause, he continued.
"You would not understand how much it sucks to be an abandoned child. How painful it feels to be left alone with none to take care of you."

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now