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Hi there I'm back with another chapter
I have a throbbing headache and my grandmother is listening to Bana and ti's loud af. So I have no idea why I got the idea of writing this chapter down normally I hate it when there is noise around me while I'm working.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter and kindly leave a vote and a comment.


"Mathew? "

Xander looked at the muscular young man that was almost at his age. This came to him as a surprise as he received no message or what so ever from Kiara about changing of the bodyguards.

But who cares anyway. Ricky or Mathew, it does not really matter because both are hard-headed dudes anyways.

Also at this time around Xander had so much more important things occupying his little head and he simply could not be bothered about them.

Today was a very exciting day for him and he was buzzing from happiness. He was literally like a child waiting for the ice cream van to arrive!

The first thing he did in that morning was to get up and check himself in the mirror.

He was pleased with what he so and he was planning to do a slight natural makeup that if there were any pimples

He would have gone for a very natural makeup if he had any bags under his eyes any new dark spots or any new pimples.

Because let's be honest it happens to everyone when they do not want it the most!

Xander's skin was flawless as always.

Delicate, smooth and fair and was as same as condensed milk in terms of colour.

He stared into his eyes in the mirror in awe of himself and slapped his cheeks after splashing it with some warm water.

~this look would do!~

He thought to himself as he was not looking like a son born to a vampire...

Then he messed around with his soft curly locks for a moment to figure out what kinda look he should go for.

~for heaven's sake Xander you are going to eat with some workers and not to dine with the queen, and those men would not even care. Like they would be too intimidated by you to care. "~

It was unfortunate of Xander that he looked his best with his bed hair
{A/N ~like me lol}

His unkempt hair and messiness of the bed hair made his curls stand out and made him look super attractive. And soon after he combed through it, the curls uncurled and he was gifted with a hair that was even messier than the one he began with.

He did not want to style them to their natural state again but using heat because he did not want to cause any heat damage to the hair.

~it better be safe than sorry right? ~

So he decided to part his hair to the side and make a bit of a messy yet not too messy kind of a look.

Xander kept doing this for so long right after his shower until he realised that his body had dried out from the shower.

~God knows for how long ~

So he got outside the shower and out on a casual outfit and went downstairs to meet  Ricky. And he was slightly surprised to see Mathew waiting for him.

So out of curiosity, he called the bodyguard that had been with him whenever Ricky was not around.

"Mathew?....... What the heck are you doing here?  Why was Ricky called back?"

"Well, sir he said he wanted to take some time off to go meet his children. It was in a long while since the man asked something like that and as he had worked days and nights for the company through the past couple of years  the company obviously agreed"

Mathew replied in his steady voice.

"Wait he got children!"

Xander cried in surprise as it was all news for him. It was something that did not actually did not cross his mind after all these years.

Feeling quite embarrassed for screaming at Mathew like that Xander quickly added  " But why all of a sudden?  Why was he chosen to come here with me if he had things planned out this way? Is that a case of an emergency? "

"Well, it was not the initial plan, to be honest. Miss Kristina wanted to help out this one boarding house and it turned out that all three of Ricky's children attend there so she called in and asked your father to send in Ricky last night and Mr Russo thought it to be a fantastic idea. So he immediately made the plans and sent me here. "

Mathew said to Xander who was listening with his mouth almost agape.

" Puh... I wish my requests were also answered in post-haste like that "
He shook his head in disbelief.

Kristina was the youngest daughter of the CEO of  " The precise designers  ".
It was a company with a long time reputation and was well reputed for their incredible interior designs.

Xandr's father highly regarded the connection they had and was so careful when it comes to dealing with them as he never wanted to disappoint them.

So it came as no surprise to Xander as his father had acted upon it so quickly.

Its something nothing that Xander did not give a damn about anyway.

So he looked at Mathew and asked him
"For breakfast can you make some ramen and milk tea for me?
I've got the ingredients inside."

With that, he went inside humming and Mathew looked at him in surprise as he expected Xander to throw a tantrum.
Because to be honest, those that are like Xander did not need a reason for creating chaos and to make peoples life different.

Mathew followed Xander into the lodge wondering what had gotten on to this mad head.

Ohhh here is an early update!
I know it's only one day early but still............ I can proudly state that I have impressed my self by doing so.

I actually wrote this chapter in two separate days😅.

Cuz what can you expect from a lazy ass like me?

Please leave a VOTE and a comment.
May you be shot by the angels of the love of you do so.


Btw how are you feeling today?. It is a sunny evening here @ my grandma's house and its rejuvenating. 🏡☀️🌞

Have a lovely time folks bye.

WHAT WE OBSERVE is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

~Werner Heisenberg

Hmm... So basically the way we see things are kind of the way we how we want to see it?


Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now