Encounter Expected

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Xander watched  as the hospital workers placed the man safely in the ambulance.

His breathing became regular again and he wiped the sweat that had  gathered on his forehead.

It was one of the most terrifieng things that he had ever encountered.

Deriving from the window Xander looked at the sewing machine that was making so much nice earlier,now calm and serene.  It  was unfathomable how much chaos it created few minutes ago.

          The machine had gone out of control and the man's arm had slid in to the blades of it. He seemed to have lost two fingers from the incident and even though Xander did not fully witnesse the complete incident, the blood that is splattered on the floor provided enough evidence that something tragic had happened.

      Xander fell in to a thought. The little general knowledge and the worldly understanding in him made him  understand that this injured man who appeared to be in his mid forties is a breadwinner of a family.

He highly hoped nothing horrible would happen to him.

Xander was glad that he advised Ricky  to help with the issue.

The incident however was something he was thankful for. For it made him realise how harsh and dangerous these activities that these people carry on.

It was not merely a matter of toil and labour but a matter of their lives as well. Xander realised that behind the buildings of luxury and fancy there  lays the cost of these peoples lives.

This was the first time that these kinds  thoughts hit the spoilt twenty year old's mind  and that made him ponder upon the  attitudes he held earlier towards these people.

Disrupting his thoughts upon the matter Xander saw Ricky making his way towards him.

"The situation is being taken under control sir. There is nothing to worry"

Ricky told Xander looking at his bloodless face.  Ricky thought to himself that Xander current face would definitely pass for a zombie.

Hearing so Xander parted his lips to question Ricky

"Are you pretty sure thing will be alright? By the look of it it seems horrible!!"

"Yes sir. I believe the man has lost a finger or two. Its nothing that serious. Its unlike the man has have  any serious internal damage or severe bleeding that might cause him death."
Ricky said in a very casual manner as if it is something that he encounter everyday.

Xander watched him say so with his mouth agape. He couldn't believe how calm and serene Ricky brahe D through the matter.

In moment of sudden anguish Xander exclaimed

"How dare you to say so RICKY?!!"
"That man almost died!"

Wondering what's wrong with Xander, Ricky replied,

"Well these things are quite common in construction sites like this sir. I'm not surprised that you never knew"

Xander could see that the man is quite  angry at his remark even though he had genuinely expressed his current emotions towards Ricky.

A gush of guilt suddenly glided towards him as Ricky's response reminded Xander of his ignorance.

Xander was hurt by the mere thought of Ricky thinking of him as an arrogant, ignorant and spoilt  brat.

Which more or less what he actually was!.

Even though Xander wanted to fight back he knew that this was not the time for that. So he decided to fight back his emotions and let his pride go away for a moment.

For the fist time after years he was genuinely concerned for so one else.

For the first time years after his tragic breakup with Jason and his friends, Xander felt like caring for somebody.

It was like a call from destiny and he felt like he should give it a chance. He saw no harm in doing so.

So he asked
   "Ricky to which hospital are they taking him?"

"To St.Mary's hospital sir
It's a fifteen minute ride from here"
Wondering why he wanted that information Ricky responded.

"you are.... You're not planning to go there, are you sir?"

Reckoning whats going inside his head Ricky questioned.

Hearing that Xander faced Ricky squarely, standing  before him.
He shot him a smile before saying

"Nope Ricky I'm not going but you are"


Hi there I'm so glad that you are reading the story. Thank you for making you way so far.
Sry for the short chappy its only 761 works 😅😅😅 ill update soon.

So wt so you think of the story so far?

Get your self ENCOUNTERED with me. In the comments ♥️❤️💕.

Bye. Stay safe.

Any song recommendations for this chap?

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now