An Exception May Be?

251 21 4

From before........

"But why is that? Don't you get your own kitchens?"

"Well... not really.. sir."  Suddenly the man changed his tone to a concerned one that stood in contrast to the more disturbed one earlier.

"Most of them are single men so they don't really have help or any idea of how things go on in a kitchen."
The man answered while his eyes idled as they tried  their best to not to meet Xander's.

Xander however noticed it and wanted to ease the tension that all of a sudden erupted between them.

" Oohh hooo I see so you don't have a woman to prepare things for you". He internally cursed himself for throwing in that  drab age old bland  joke  in to the conversation. But that appeared to be the last straw


Xander watched the way how the skin around the man's eyes crinkled as he smiled hearing Xanderss words.

His thin lips parted on the way while his eyes went  downcast for a while.

His nature and the way of behaviour was indeed something that would stand in contrast with his outer appearance .

Well Appearances are deceitful they say.

Judging from his reactions and closer inspection, now Xander was certain that he was  not a Mr. Manly  but was a man that reflected a sweet, delicate, docile disposition.

                   Xander could detect the lack of conciet and a hint of introversy around him and concluded his opinion of him as someone  that  preferred to be lead and guided. And not as someone that is  born to claim all.

Someone that preferred to be adored and treasured rather than to be neglected and abandoned.

Someone that would look stronger inside when they are fragile like glass inside.

And for Xander that glass of fragility has once broken.
Once and for all.

And the shattered pieces tore the battered heart of his.
And it bleeed tears of sorrow.
As if there is no tomorrow.

    Someone  that is so incredibly shy as a shrinking violet but would pretend to be a dazzling daffodil before the world.


Xander's wave of thoughts was interrupted by the voice of a young girl.

"Eors doesn't need a woman in his life he has meeee..."

A tiny head of a five year old popped out of a the pile of cardboard boxes that were on the other end of the hallway.

She withdrawed herself away from the pile and made her way towards  Xander and  Eros.
            And as she was doing so she tripped and fell of the dusty, rough, uneven concrete floor .

"Harmony !!"  Eros's voice was filled with concern as he took a step towards her.

"I'm okay" Harmony said as she tried to stand back up with the help of her hands.  She dusted her small hands in the dusty top she was wearing.

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now