Exciting News? May Be Not!

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It had been two days since the party and Xander did not have anything special to do. The house was empty with his mother gone to visit a friend of hers and Lysandro and father were busy with their own work.

One night in the safety of his study room, Xander was pacing around his table slowly but carefully. His pink Peony lips were closed tight most of the time, except when he bit the nether lip from time to time.

For an outsider, this would seem like some sort of meditation and it was half true. He was trying to concentrate on his own feelings around Eros and how he could reach out to him.

But as he was doing so, he heard a knock on the door. Something he was not expecting at the moment.

"Come in!"
Ordered Xander and in came Meera, one of the house staff members.

"What is it Meera?"

"Sir you were asked to come down to dinner"

Announced to a petite woman as her hands rested on the open door, holding it for him to come out.

"Oh, I'm not hungry yet."

Xander said and turned to grab a random book that he had never even touched before to occupy himself while Meera leaves.

"Mrs Russo is back from her visit and she asked you to come down immediately and Mr Russo is also there. And I believe that they are waiting for you, sir!"

Meera looked a little scared and panicked and reluctant to go downstairs without him.

"Okay. After you missy..."

Xander teased the young girl and went downstairs closing the door behind him.

Once he was at the dinner table seated before Lysandro, he began stabbing the pasta like it was a dead cat. The noodles were covered in a thick layer of cheese and cream and Xander's portion was a normal one. But in his eyes, it was not. He could probably have half of that for an entire day.

A mountain of carbohydrate and fat!
That was how he would describe that.

If this was brought to his room, he could have had only one bite and then throw the rest of it away or flush it down the toilet. But his dad would skin him alive if he was ever caught doing so for reasons best known to himself.

So Xander took one big bite and chewed it well before forcing it down his throat.

It was tasty and very filling. After few minutes into the dinner, his mother asked him about Tiron's party which immediately brought in a detailed recollection of the guy he saw there and what Xander newly knew about Eros while making him almost choke on his own saliva.

Taking his time to finish what he was eating and to drink some water, Xander answered his mother, "Nothing special. Quite boring honestly."

"Oh! Never heard of a boring party before!"

Said his surprised mother that held her suspicious mind.

"Well. There you have it."
Said Xander as he rolled a single noodle around his fork.

"It was fun mom."
Opposed Lysandro who overheard their conversation.

"Only for the ones that joined the fun. And not for the one that slept in his room like a deceased sloth his was"

"Haha... Very funny"
Xander thought in his head mockingly, frowning as he did not want to speak his mind and pick a fight with his younger brother.

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