Peek To The Conflict

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This was the previous prologue I wrote that I think had been a bit of a turn off for some readers.


I'd like to know what you think of it in the comments though! ☺️

Boxes by Gavin James - ( get the general idea of the song.)

I find these lines really touching 💕♥️❤️

"Don't wake me up, if you're only gonna tell me to give it up....
And say everything I do is never enough.........
Cuz you're lying through your teeth...
We don't fit in to your boxes we're all different underneath.."

.... EROS......

Farewell tranquility. You seemed to have gone on a long journey away from me.

Eros sighed looking upwards at the mahogani door that was closed and locked.

It was Xander's room after all and he had no right to investigate. No power to question and on right to interfere.

Yet the feeling of hollowness and emptiness would not leave Eros's heart.

Eros derived his look away from the door, behind what Xander was committimg the act of unfaithfulness.


Is that the right word?

Probably not.. Because for "THIS" to be unfaithfull they should have had a very close bond. A. Bond that they did not clearly had.

Eros leaned to the dining table that was behind him and touched the ends of it with shaking fingers.

Is this my fate?

Is this how I'm supposed to spend my life?

When is this going to end?

Why me?


Xander's infidelity brought back gloomy memories from past. The time back then at the orphanage.....

The time spent there was, a time when he was a victim of those that had power. The ones stronger than him and the ones that held the authority.

Even though he knew he had no right to cry, no REASON to cry, Eros looked heaven wards to hold back his tears.

With quick strides he made his way towards the kitchenette area. Tears blinded him from his view and he gasped in pain as he hit the edge of the table.

Yet the physical pain caused by it remained incomparable to the emotional pain he had to endure at the moment.

Eros closed his eyes feeling the water dripping on to his face through his hair, as he held his head unter the kitchen tap.

The cold water made its way down to the sink soothing the face that was red with dispair.

Eros bit his trembling lips to hold back his tears. But at the failed attempt to do so, tears mixed in with the cold water and trickled their way down towards the sink.

Farewell tranquility. You seemed to have gone on a long journey away from me.

Eros recalled the way how he broke down in tears when he was abused and beaten. In the early days when they were molested and raped he felt damnated as there was no way to turn.

No one to ask help from and no one to protect them.

Eros would cry leaned on to the closed door until the pain subsided.
Until the bruises and scares healed.
Eros felt so scared yet he was at a dilemma that crippled him.

As an abandoned child he had nowhere to go and no one to turn to.
There is no way for someone who just turned nine to survive on the streets.

Yet that immense physical pain was something he learnt to endure with time. And as the time passed he realised that all the fellow mates in his dorm were also subjected to the same treatment.

Yet at the moment Eros was feeling dead inside. The pain caused by despair was almost suffocating.

Physical pain was something that you can endure but
the emotional pain was indeed not.

And no matter how hard he tries to hide
for xander he was bound by a tight knot.

Vote and comment sweethearts.
ADD this to your library and reading lists. 💕♥️❤️
Also comment your thought and please help me out by pointing out the mistakes here.

-Take care -

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