Eerily Similar

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I was singing this Sinhala song in my head. Cuz I watched the dubbed version of Hawarang before writing this down.. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😅😅😅

But today's song will be thousand years.

.. Also this "peonies"  remind me of Xander Russo.... Just watch it! It is so soothing to watch.


"Eerily similar"


"Was that real?"
"Did I see it right?"

Xander was contemplating in his mind, his head rested upon the clasped hands that stood on his elbows upon the wooden table.

The cold night air that flew from the beach into the island and the smell of roasted veggies and freshly baked goodies

They were in a beach house that was ten minutes away from the beachside bar. The place where Xander saw him.

Or at least Xander saw someone that looked like him. Someone that looked identical to the man in his dreams from behind.

"Could it be him? "

Thought Xander as he raised his head as the food was placed on his plate. The mouthwatering smell of the food or the dipping sauces that he saturated his bites with, could not wipe down the dry feeling he had in his mouth.

Something he always felt whenever he was feeling anxious and scared of what was to come next.

A choking at the back of his throat that made him feel like he was being strangled by something that was wrapping itself around his neck. It was the first sign of his own self-doubt and inferior feelings taking over him. The first sign of something that would either make him cry to sleep or burn his insides with anger.

Reaching for the glass of water that was before him Xander looked at his brother that just arrived at the place.

"Wonder where he was all the time."
Thought Xander.

"Hay. You wouldn't believe whom I saw just a few seconds ago!"

He exclaimed as soon as he sat down right in between Tiron and Ned making Forrest and Xander a pair that sat awkwardly on one side without having much to talk about.

"Just a few seconds ago? Must be a ghost"

Joked Ned as he knew that there was no way someone would enter the place without getting caught by the guards or the house staff.

Lysandro frowned putting his phone in his pockets and reaching for a plate.

"Nah. Not literally a few seconds ago. But guess what Mr Hernandez is here"

Encounter  ~ ×°{M×M}°× [|completed|] ---Under slow editingWhere stories live. Discover now