Excuse me, Dad!!! What?

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"Dad you can't do this to me".

Xander spoke while taking long strides to catch up with his father, who was making his way from the assembly hall to his office room.

Xander's mind was on fire and so was his body.  Drops of sweat ran down from his neck thanks to the shock he had received.

Mr. Russo however looked rather pleased with himself. He walked faster than his son towards the elevator doors pretending not to hear him. 

The moment he woke up he knew it was going to be a bad day. Not because there was yet another stranger sleeping next to him. But because of what he saw the moment he turned on his phone. A reminder of the day's activity. 

It was the day of the executive meeting of "The Ideal's", the industrial company run by Xander's father and family.

Usually all he did so far on those meetings was to struggle to suppress his yawns and try not to fall asleep. Concentrating on what was being said was pretty useless an a waste of energy. Since he neither knew anything appropriate to say nor did anybody care for his opinion. 

The business was mainly handled by his father but it was more of a family business done at a large scale as his uncles and grandpa held shares of the company

And since there were a lot of people involved, Xander felt intimidated almost all the time. 

Xander's father mainly worked on the industrial side of the hotels and malls "The Ideal's" owned. Taking in contracts and inspecting how things are done. 

While his uncles and grandpa worked on the management sectors. Their business was known all around the world and was a huge company upon what many employees and people

Though they were not the most powerful company in the world when it comes to the industrial sector their reputation was the best. The Ideal's not only worked for their profit but also for the well-being of their workers. They were recognized by many welfare companies for this 'giving back quality' and it was one of the main reasons why "The Ideal's" did great on overseas.

Even though it is a huge company that has sprung up in the business pretty quickly Xander did not care about it much. Business was his younger brother's passion not his. 

He was half a sleep in almost every meeting probably because he had partied the night before till dawn.

But today was unlike any other day.  The shock he received when his father said he would cut half of his monthly allowance if he is not willing to cooperate slapped him right across his face. Punched him so hard that he became sober while drowsiness packed their bags and left his body .

And what followed afterwards would possibly make him wide awake for many nights to follow. 

His father said he wanted Xander to inspect their latest construction site ( which he did not even know where since he was not listening)  and stay there for several days. Xander slightly remember his dad talking about this over dinner and in meetings.  

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