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"Grogu." I heard Din faintly say in my sleepy state. The trip to Typhon wasn't long but I was pretty tired after the events on Corvus. Being emotionally and physically drained would do a number on anyone, maybe not Din that is. He was acting like his normal self. I heard Din's chuckle causing me to blink slowly, clearing my vision to see Din looking over his shoulder at the child.

"Grogu?" Din taunted again only to get a sound of surprise from the child yet again. I smiled at the father and son moment that was unfolding between the two. The child was playing with the beskar ball that Din gave him shortly after we left Corvus. I'll never understand why the child enjoyed that ball so much. Since the beginning it has always been something that had caught his attention. "Give me that ball." Din asked as he leaned forward to take the ball from the child. This only ended with the child leaning away from him. I had to stop myself from laughing, as it would blow my cover from them thinking that I was still asleep. "Grogu, give me the ball." Din repeated again, this time Grogu must've realized that this was a battle he couldn't win on his own. He turned his head towards my direction causing me to quickly shut my eyes.

"She's sleep. She can't help you now." I heard Din say before I heard the child sigh. "The ball, come on," Din encouraged. It wasn't until I heard the child's squeal that I opened my eyes. Din had the ball held up in front of him at his level like he did in Corvus when the child yielded the Force to take the ball from him. I smiled at the memory that seemed so far ago but in reality wasn't as it crossed my mind. "Okay, here we go. You can have it, just like before." My smile never flatten as the reenactment unfolded. As expected the child yielded the Force pulling the ball out of Din's hands and into his small grip. "Dank farrik." Din called into the air at the child's success. Although I know Din would never admit it again, he was proud of the small child. The child never seeing this reaction before cooed in concern before dropping the ball in his lap, thinking he did something wrong.

"Hey, no. I'm not mad at you. You did good." Din said as he turned in his chair towards the child. "I just...when the nice lady said you had training, I just..." Din continued before dropping his word vomit as the child looked at him. He sighed before he reached for the ball in the child's lap and picking it up for Grogu to grab onto. "You're very special, kid." I subconsciously nodded my head, agreeing with Din. The child cooed before he continued, "We're gonna find that place you belong and they're gonna take real good care of you." Din said while he turned back to his controls, flicking some switches.

"This is Typhon. That's where we're gonna try and find you a Jedi. But you have to agree to go with them if they want you to. Understand?" He said before turning his head to the child sightly. "Plus, I can't train you and Calyptra needs training herself...don't tell her I said that. But don't you wanna learn more of that Jedi stuff?" He said shaking his head. I glared at the tinhead before me until he spoke his next couple of words, "She'll miss you, you know. When I first met her she was very different. Sarcastic, which she still is, closed off, and cold even. But once we found you things started to change. I saw a side in her that I never would've thought she had." Din spoke before pausing, "But we agreed to take you back to your own kind, so that's what we need to do. You understand, right?" Din asked again only to receive no answer from Grogu, was he a child after all. I looked at the floor as a thought came across my mind. Din's reassurances of Grogu leaving with the Jedi didn't sound like he was convincing the child, but rather himself. If there's one thing I have learned about Din Djarin it would be that under that helmet there was a man who had emotions. Of course if I had told anyone else that a Mandalorian had feelings I would be laughed at. But I knew the truth, I knew the real Din Djarin.

"Wake her up will you." I heard Din ask the child causing me to quickly close my eyes. A mere 10 seconds later I felt the child's small hand on my leg. The child climbed up my leg before sitting in my lap. The child cooed loudly before touching my arm, tapping it to wake me up. I smiled lightly before opening my eyes. The child gave out a shock gasp noticing that I wasn't asleep. This wasn't the first time that the child has woken me up, therefore he knew judging by the fact that I didn't push him off or tell him '5 more minutes' that I was indeed not asleep.

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