Author Note

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The book is finished!! I've had so much fun reading your comments and developing Calyptra's storyline. There's a couple of things I'd like you guys to know regarding this book:

- The book is now complete. I will change the status of this book to complete after doing some major editing.

- I will be back! I plan on continuing the story when season 2 comes out. However, I am going to let you know in advance that it will be a while before I start writing in regards of season 2 when it airs. I would like to least watch the first 4 or 5 episodes so I can get a picture of how I want this book to go.

- The next part of the book will stay with this book. Instead of making a new book for the next season I'm going to add it to this one. I just don't think I'm going to be able to think of another title for a second book and it'll be easier for people to continue reading the story if it's all in one location.

-Thank you for your comments, votes, and support. These last few months have been hard with the pandemic and issues going on in America. As an African American female there's a lot that's been going on that can easily ruin the whole day. But getting on here and reading your comments makes it better.

- Also, I'll probably give you a little short sneak peak into the next part of this book. So be prepared and on the look out.

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