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Ahsoka turned away from me as she'd walked off, wanting me to follow. I watched debating as to if I wanted to talk to her, alone that was. I watched her retreating figure before taking a deep breath and turning towards Din. "I need to do this alone." Din stared at me, trying to read my face. "Are you sure?" If I was being honest, I wasn't. I didn't want to be alone, when I was alone the darkness thoughts would arise. I closed my eyes as I rubbed my temples. "No, but I need to do this." I felt Din rest a hand against my cheek causing me to open my eyes. I gave him a weak smile before backing away, leaving his touch. I looked at the child in his arms one last time before turning away from them and to where Ahsoka had went.

My heart was thumping loudly as I walked through the trees. She had to have seen something when I touched her. I looked up from the ground only now to see that Ahsoka was no where to be found.

"Who are you?" I heard her voice from behind me causing me to turn around. I was only met by air causing me to look up to see her in a tree.

"Calyptra Labonair." I said looking up at her. She shook her head before looking away. She jumped down from the arm of the tree gracefully before looking at me.

"You know what I mean." I looked down at the forest floor already knowing what she meant from the beginning. "I'm a descendant from Darth Revan." I spoke turning away from Ahsoka. I suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Here I was practically a reincarnation of a Sith lord asking a Jedi to train the child. How ironic. "How did you find out?" I looked off into the trees not knowing how to explain it to her. Deep down has this been something I've always known? I have been killing people for years. Yes, I am a hunter but there was a small part of me that did enjoy the thrill. I shivered at the thought before turning towards her. "Moff Gideon. The man who is after Grogu knew my history." I paused before continuing, not knowing how Ahsoka was going to take the next part. "He wanted me to rule the Empire." Ahsoka nodded at my words before walking in front of me.

"And what did you say?" She said as she turned around to face me.

"No." I said while I shook my head. "I couldn't. Maybe if I haven't have met Din and the child I would've said yes but..."

"But what," She edged on as she tried to read me.

"They mean a lot to me. They've become my home." I said as my eyes started to burn from the tears trying to flood in. I quickly blinked my eyes trying to refrain from crying. I heard Ahsoka sigh causing me to look at her. "This isn't good. You're emotions could be the cause of your downfall." I instantly took a step towards her as I spoke, "What do you mean?" Ahsoka sat down before gesturing for me to sit in front of her. "A long time ago I had a Master. He was the chosen one that was suppose to save the galaxy." She said as a light smile came across her face. The smile quickly fell as she continued to talk. "However, he wanted to know more. To protect the people that he cared about, at any means possible."

"And what happened," I asked impatiently.

She breathed in deeply before breathing back out. "He died and in return a monster was born."

I could feel Ahsoka's despair through the Force causing me to speak, "Were you close to him?"

"He was like my older brother."

I reached out touching Ahsoka's hand lightly. "I'm sorry," I spoke after a pause. "What did you see when I stopped you from leaving." She shook her head before looking at me, "I didn't see anything. But I felt your connection to the force. I haven't felt something that strong since my former Master." I nodded my head understand what she meant. "I felt it when you had blocked my attack with your bow. Only someone who is Force sensitive would be able to sense my presence before I strike."

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