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I stood still in shock as Cara and Greef greeted Din and the droid. The child started to squirm in my arms, wanting to be put down. I slowly put the child down, unable to take my eyes off of Din.

He was alive. He was here. With us. With me.

Cara took Din from the droid as the child wrapped his hands around its metal leg so that he could be picked up by the droid. With slow movements from Din's behave, Din and Cara had made it in front of me.

"Hey." I heard Din say through a hoarse voice.

A small smile made its ways onto my face before I threw my arms around his neck. Din gave out a grunt at the newfound pressure on his probably heavily bruised body.

"Easy," Cara said with a smirk.

I unraveled my arms from his neck when the realization of Cara's words were meant for me. I dropped arms before reaching up to place my hands on both sides of his helmet. Slowly I brought my head against his helmet before closing my eyes and letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I hate to break up the reunion but we gotta move."

I nodded my head in agreement before letting go off his helmet and stepping back.

"Do you know which way to go?" Greef asked Din as I got on his other side to help him walk.

"No. I don't know these tunnels. I've only entered from the bazaar."

"Well, if we get the smell of sulfur and we follow it, it'll lead us up to the plains where the river flows."

"And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship. We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety."

"Ugh, this place is a maze." Cara said looking around.

"Tell me about it. I could've sworn we just past this corner a minute ago." I said before pressing a hand to my side.

"Stop." Din said causing us to all halt our movements. "I can stand."

I almost let out a sigh in relief. Carrying Din wasn't exactly light work. His beskar armor wasn't helping either.

"The bacta infusion is working." The IG spoke from behind us.

"Are you okay?" I heard Din ask referring to my side that I was holding. I gave him a nod causing him to drop the subject.

"I'll try to find tracks." Din said before looking at the ground and scanning the area.

I turned to my left feeling a gaze on me. I was met by the droid's red lights. I stared at the droid not knowing why it was looking at me.

"We're close." Din said before leading the way. "Turn here."

We continued to walk forward until Din stopped walking. Din being in front of me had blocked my view causing me to step to my side. I slightly gasped at the sight before us. There laid Mandalorian armor, from not just one but many. Din kneeled down before picking up one of the helmets.

"We should go." Cara spoke as she walked forward.

"You go. Take the ship. I can't leave it this way." Din said causing me to frown.

"Did you know about this?" Din harshly said turning his head slightly towards Greef. "Is this the work of your bounty hunters?"

"Din," I said sympathetically.

"No. When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away. You know how it is. They're mercenaries. They're not zealots."

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