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"This place isn't exactly what I had expected." I said as I looked out the window the barn had.

"What do you mean." Said a voice behind me.

"I don't know. I guess I didn't expect it to be so....peaceful?" I said slowly trying to get my words together.

I heard a light chuckle from the man behind me causing me to turn my head slightly and smile.

"Tell me about it."

"Knock, knock," I heard Omera's voice say to my right.

"Come in." Said the Mandalorian as I gave her a light smile. She came in with a tray of food and sat it down next to me. A couple of seconds later her daughter Winta came running in. The little girl noticed the child stand in its crib watching her intensely. She turned to her mother before whispering.

"Can I feed him?" The girl asked. The Mandalorian turned around towards the girl before looking at me. I nodded my head slightly seeing that there's no problem there.

"Sure." He said causing the girl to walk towards the child before asking him if he was hungry and giving him some type of fruit from the looks of it. The excitement from the girl escape in little giggles.

"Can I hold I play with him?" She asked causing the Mandalorian to sigh lightly before replying with a 'sure' yet again. He picked up the child from the crib causing him to coo. I watched from the window as Omera smiled at the Mandalorian's actions.


The child started to follow Winta out the door as she ran out onto the dirt path outside.

"I don't think..." The Mandalorian started as he walked to where the child was leaving.

"They'll be fine." Omera ensured.

"I don't..."

"They'll be fine." She said again causing the Mandalorian to drop it.

"I brought you two some food." She said causing everyones attention to turn towards the food that was station next to me. Omera's attention didn't last for long as she directed her next comment to the man that stood in front of her.

"I noticed you didn't eat out there." She said.

"Yeah, that's sort of his thing. He doesn't take his helmet off around others." I said from the window as I broken my attention from Omera and watched the child playing with the other kids for a second. Omera must have not heard my comment or just ignored it as she continued with her conversation.

"I'll leave it here for when I go." She said still looking at the Mandalorian.

"That's very thoughtful of you." The Mandalorian said causing me to roll my eyes before looking back outside. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." He said cleaning off his gun.

"How long has it been since you've taken that off?" She said referring to his helmet.

"Yesterday." He replied with as he continued to clean his gun.

She looked at the floor before glancing at me in the corner of her eye and turning her attention back towards him.

"I mean in front of someone else."

Welp its time to go. I slowly made my way towards to door as I started to feel the unwantedness of presence.

The Mandalorian walked a bit forward going towards the window before pointing towards the kids that were playing outside.

"I wasn't much older than they are." He said causing Omera's eyes to widen in shock.

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