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I stood still as I concentrated on the energy around me. The life, the death. The balanced and the unbalanced. The Force. It's been a couple of weeks since we have left Nevarro. We fled to the planet called Takodana. It was filled was luscious green forestry, which aided us in hiding. The multiple rivers throughout the planet gave us access to clean water. It wasn't Sorgan but it was pretty. I exhaled slowly as I could feel the energy lingering on my finger tips. Ever since we left Nevarro I have been training. It's only a matter of time until someone would find us. I have to be ready. I opened my eyes quickly upon feeling the energy explode from my finger tips. Traveling from my finger tips came firing hot cyan colored lightening. The lightening traveled forward before hitting a tree causing it to light on fire and burn. A gasp left my lips as the fire on the tree had died down. I looked down at my hand amazed before looking back up at the tree. I walked forward slowly before resting my hand on burnt bark. I closed my eyes feeling energy flow through me onto the tree. I slowly opened my eyes to see the bark turn brown. I looked up to see the limbs of the tree flourish and grow. I smiled as small flowers started bloom all around the tree.

I turned around upon hearing the sound of leaves being crushed only to see Din. I raised an eyebrow at him seeing that he was alone.

"He's sleeping." He said causing me to turn back around to admire the tree.

"You're getting better," he commented.

"Well, someone has to train the little one until we can find his kind."

I felt Din's hands rest on my shoulders before rubbing them. My head rolled back resting against his chest at the sensation. A small moan escaped my lips causing Din to chuckle.

"You're so tense."

"Hmmm, tell me something I don't know." I said as I fully relaxed against him as his hands fell lower, resting on my waist. There was a moment of comfortable silence between us as we watched the sunset until I heard his voice again.

"Do you want to talk about last night?"

I quickly tense up before pulling myself away from him.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said turning around to face him shaking my head.

"Calyptra." He said knowingly causing me to break.

"Fine, what to you want me to talk about? Hmm, the fact that every time I go to sleep I wake up screaming from nightmares, visions, or whatever you want to call them. Din I don't know what to say." I said putting my hands on my face to rub my temples. "I just feel like I'm losing my mind."

I heard Din sigh before I felt his hands on top of mine to pull them away from my face.

"You know the first time I met you I thought you were crazy." He said causing me to look at him in bewilderment.

"Yeah, and what changed?" I questioned.

"Oh nothing I still think you are crazy." He said causing me to roll my eyes as I scoffed with a smile.

"Get to the point bucket head."

"You may think being crazy is a bad thing. But you being 'crazy' has saved our asses multiple of times." Din said as his hands went back onto my waist causing me to grab onto his biceps.

"Fair point, I guess. But if you ever call me crazy again I'll light you on fire."

"There she is," he said causing me to laugh.

My smile left my lips as the thought of the child came to me.

"They're gonna come for him you know. For me. For us." I said looked away from his helmet and towards the sun that had just finished setting.

"It's only a matter of time." I whispered as I looked at the orange hue glowing off the sky. "I need you to promise me, that if it comes down to it. That you'll pick him."


"No Din," I said looking at him. "All of this, the bounty and the hiding is because of him, not me. I need you to promise me." I said causing him to look away from me. "You'd want me to do it if it was the other way around."

"It won't happen." Din said instantly looking at me.

"And if it does?" I whispered as I rested my head against his helmet. It was silent between us as the thought swept in the air. The insects of the night started to make noises as the stars started to cover the sky.

"I promise."

A/N: Sorry for the shortness. But hey it is just a teaser *wink wink*. See y'all in the fall. Im so excited!

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