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"Please enlightenment me. Where are we going again?" I asked looking off into space before me. Our 'vacation' was cut short when Din told me that he found a lead. A lead for the child. Within a matter of an hour we were up and going.

"A planet in the outer rim. Gor Koresh, he's our lead."

I nodded my head in conformation before looking at the child that sat in my lap. He had just woken up and was full of energy.

"Get ready, we'll be landing soon."


The sky had a dim glow as the nearest star had already set. There was a thick smell of sewage and decay in the air as we walking through the street. Faintly but noticeably I could hear creatures growling off in the dark, daring to come closer. Above us were street lights that dimly lit a pathway. I look down at the child that was at my side hearing a whimper to see him looking at the graffiti that decorated the walls of the buildings. From the looks of it the graffiti contained stormtrooper like drawings and other symbols.

"Next time I'm picking the planet." I muttered under my breath only to hear a stifled laugh from Din.

We continued to walk down the path before Din stop at a side door off of one of the buildings that surrounded us. In front of the door stood a Twi'lek, most likely to stand as a bouncer. Seeing someone of his kind made me think back to the prisoner ship we were on way back. I small smirk made its way onto my face when the thought of beating up Xi'an came to my mind. Good times.

"I'm here to see Gor Koresh," Din said at the Twi'lek. The Twi'lek turned his gaze from Din and towards the child causing him to coo at the sudden attention. The Twi'lek then turned his gaze towards me for a quick second before stepping to the side as the door slid open, "Enjoy the fights."

I gave a questionable look that only lasted a second before Din walked in first with the child's carrier following behind him. Din continued to walk straight, blocking my view in front of me before walking down some steps, exposing the scene before me.

"Yeah fights," I muttered to myself as I saw a ring in the center of the small area. Loudly people cheered as two Gamorrean guards fought. Once I made it to the last step Din was waiting to walk beside me. "Where in the world did you take me?" I asked still watching the guards fights.

"Thought you'd enjoy a place like this."

"Don't get me wrong, this is my scenery. All I have to say is don't try and stop me once I get in the ring."

"Noted." Din spoke from beside me before walking to the front row. In the crowd was different beings from different systems. They all let out a shout, some of disappoint and others of victory as one of the Gamorrean's went down. Din sat down next to whom I presumed to be Gor Koresh as I stood to my feet with anticipation, this was too exciting.

"You know this is no place for a child."

"Wherever we go, he goes." Din responded.

The being chuckled next to Din before speaking, "So, I've heard."

"I've been quested to bring him to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I'm told you know where to find them." Din spoke to the being confirming my suspicion that it was in fact Gor Koresh.

"It's uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment," Gor Koresh spoke just as one of the Gamorrean's went down for the final count. I let out a cheer causing the child to look up at me curiously. Gor Koresh nodded his head in approval as the Gamorrean walked to our side of the ring.

"Looks like he won."

"How about a new bet." I said turning away from the ring as some beings removed the fallen Gamorrean off the ring. "Mando's beskar helmet here for a fight with your Gamorrean." I spoke causing the noise around the room to die down. I could feel the eye of Gor Koresh on me before he spoke, "Against who?"

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