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If I was being honest, I was feeling pretty good today. We were on our way to Nevarro. I missed that planet. I missed Greef and especially Cara. I was humming lightly as I sat in Din's chair as he was having the child help him connect some loose wires in the ship.

"Well you're in a happy mood."

I turned around in chair, circling a couple of times before stopping, facing Din. "How can I not be? We're going to Nevarro." I said with a wide smile. Din chuckled at my reaction as he shook his head causing me to speak again. "I can't wait to see Cara, I missed her." I said resting my head back against the chair.

"Should I be worried about you and Cara's relationship?" I lifted my head at him with a laugh. "Not that I can't go both ways but Cara's not my type. I'm more of a fan of men in beskar." I said with a wink. Din shook his head yet again. "And anyways I need some time away from you two boys." I said standing up, walking to where the child was in the mechanics of the ship. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"As long as he listens." Din said turning his head to look at me as I was now right next to him. I scoffed as his words and then spoke, "Good luck with that."

"Did you get the wire out? The red wire?" Din asked the child that was in a tight small open compartment in the ship. The child turned to us with a quiet 'huh' holding up the blue wire. He's going to get shocked. "No, no, no. No, the red one. Show me the red wire. The red one." Din said pointing at the red wire. A couple of seconds later the child held up the red wire, maybe I was wrong. "Yes, good. Now, you're going to plug that red wire where the blue wire goes in the board." The child looked at both of the wires obviously confused. "Put the red wire where the blue wire goes in the board, okay?" Din said trying to break it down for the child again. "No, don't put the blue one back. Put the red one where the blue one was. And put the blue one where the red one was." Yeah this wan't going to end well. "He's going to get shocked." I said next to Din. "Don't say that, he's got it." Din responded to me only to eat his words upon the child bringing the wires close together. "They're oppositely charged, so keep them away from each other. Make sure you hold them apart from...No, hold them apart." Din said but as expected the child did the opposite causing electricity to crackle from the wires. I winced knowing all to well how it felt. Smoke came from the hole that Din and I were looking into causing me to fan it out. Din let out a sigh before asking the child if he was okay. The child whined before turning to look at us. "Don't you say anything." Din said turning to look at me. I raised my hands up, giving him an innocent stare. "I didn't say anything." Din turned to look at the child tell him it was worth the shot.

"I told you so."



My heart started racing when I could see the familiar village. As we got closer I saw two people that I had missed very much. I smiled and the second the ship landed I jumped up from my sit ready to get off of the ship. However, before I could get too far I felt Din's hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me. I turned to look at him as he got up from his seat. "Slow down." I rolled my eyes at his words as he handed me the child. I jumped down the stairs into the lower deck with Din following behind me. "You know we are only here for repairs right." He said causing me to stop. I turned to face him as I spoke, "Yes Din. I'm just ready to see some familiar faces. Considering I only see one around here." I said looking at the child I was holding. "Just for repairs." Din said before walking ahead of me as the Razor Crest main door started to come down.

We'll see about that.

The door didn't lower all the way causing us to be a good almost six feet away from the ground. Din jumped down first causing me to pass him to child. Once he sat the child on the ground he turned over to me, grabbing onto my waist, helping me down from the ramp. Once my feet met the ground I looked up, seeing Cara and Din. I left the child and Din before meeting the two. I went to Greef first, giving him a quick hug before turning to Cara. She smiled at me before pulling me into a hug, I gave a knowingly smile knowing that she did miss me, even if she wouldn't admit it. I heard Din's footsteps from behind as I separated from Cara. "How's my credit around here?" He asked Greef.

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