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Everything was calm. Maybe a little too calm. All my life I've lived on the go. Never really had time to stop. I knew this feeling wasn't going to last forever. But I was willing to enjoy it while it would.

"Hey can I talk to you." Said a voice next me causing me to look away from the child that was playing with some wooden blocks.

It was Omera.

After the village heard about me waking up they decided to throw a celebration. It would start at dusk, but at this point in time the sun hadn't settled yet. I turned my head towards the Mandalorian silently asking him to watch the child while I left. He gave me a nod which caused me to rise from my sitting position with the child on the floor. The disturbance of my absence hit the child causing him to make noise.

"I'll be right back." I said with a little smile before following Omera out the barn. She continued to walk a bit more until we were out of the clearing of anybody's hearing. I'm not in the mood to talk about the Mandalorian. So if she wanted to talk about him then I'd be leaving. She stopped walked before looking at the forrest ahead. I stay behind her instead of standing next to her, we weren't exactly on a friendship level to where I'd be comfortable being that close to her. However, the next thing that I heard was the last thing I would have expected from her towards me. Quietly but softly I heard her sobs.

Oh crap. I'm not exactly good at these situations.

"Um, I'm sorry?" I questioned, not really sure why I was apologizing. But I guess in a moment like this that's the thing you are supposed to do. Right? I heard her hiccuping before I saw her franticly bring her hands to her face, presumably to wipe her eyes. After a moment or two she turned around with red swollen eyes.

"No, I'm sorry." She said with a quivering voice.

I gave her a confused look before admitting to my confusion.

"I'm sorry but what are you crying about. I'm really confused." I said before looking around behind my shoulder to see if this was real life or just another vision.

She took a deep breath before talking.

"When the battle happened you asked me to cover you. And I didn't." She said.

"So, you're apologizing for not being fast enough to shoot." I said still slightly confused.

"I saw him coming." She said looking away from me and at the ground.

"I saw him coming and I didn't shoot. I just-I can see how the Mandalorian acts around you. We all do...well maybe not you." She said gesturing towards me.

"And when I saw the thing charging at you I just couldn't bring myself to shoot it." She said.

"But when I saw you passed out and thought you were dead I didn't feel any better. The Mandalorian was worried which made me realize that it's not about me." She said taking a step forward.

"When you were resting I decided to speak to the Mandalorian. About me and him. About how I feel about him. He didn't feel the same. He told me that his priorities was you and the child." She said that sparked my interest.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry." She said looking at me with a light smile.

"Friends?" She said nervously.

"Sure?" I said not really knowing how to process all of the information I just heard.

She gave a big smile before wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I instantly got tense, leaving my arms at my side. Omera must have took me not hugging back as a sign to let go.

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