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Kuiil was kind enough to let us spend the night in his home. It was small considering his home was only made for just him. However, he did have one spare room for the three of us to stay in. The child laid in the bed sound asleep. I was sitting on the edge of the bed in a deep thought. So many questions were running through my head.

"What do you think they are going to do with it?" I asked.

"I don't know." Said the robotic voice of the Mandalorian from the far side of the room. We had agreed on that the child and I would take the bed. He suggested that he'd sleep in a chair on the adjacent wall by the door. It was going to be an uncomfortable night but it was only temporarily.

"Are we doing the right thing?" I asked looking at my hands as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Having doubts?" He asked having some interest in the conversation now.

"I don't know, it's just hard for me to believe that this is gonna end well for it. I mean who knows how many more bounty hunters have been looking for it." I said referring to the hunters we took out a couple of days ago.

"And here we have it and it doesn't seem like much of a threat. It's just a child." I said looking at the sleeping child.

"Do I know what is going to happen to the child when we turn it in? No, but what I do know is that we did the right thing when we saved it." He said looking in my direction.

"You mean when you saved it." I said chuckling lightly. The Mandalorian shook his head at my humor.

"If you want to call it that." Was all he said before leaning his head back into the chair to try and get some sleep. I knew he wore his helmet a lot. But I didn't know he'd wear it to bed. Maybe I'll ask him about it some day.

Morning came up quicker than I would have liked. But, it's not like I would have gotten any more sleep anyways. The uncertainty and excitement of the next day kept me up. However, the weather wasn't so great. Dark clouds raged over the skies to the point where it didn't look like morning. Very heavy rain followed with clouds with thunder shaking the ground and lightening lighting up the sky. Kuiil was ahead leading the way with his blurrg pulling us. I made sure that the child's basket stayed shut. No child of any sort should be in weather like this.

We eventually made it to the very similar Jawa ship we saw not too long ago. Still a piece of junk I had thought. However, unlike last time there were some set up tents around the opened front of the ship. Many Jawas were sorting through the items they had stolen. Two Jawas to the side saw us approaching signaling all of the others causing a commotion. Kuiil quickly did a hand motion to the Jawas probably as a greeting of some sort.

"Try to let Kuiil do all the talking." I said leaning forward so the Mandalorian could hear me. Getting the parts back from them is the only way we are getting off this planet.

"No promises." He stated before ending the conversation.

"They really don't like you for some reason." Kuiil shouted back towards the Mandalorian as the Jawas all raised their guns in our direction.

"Well, I did disintegrate a few of them." The Mandalorian said looking towards the top of the ship as Jawas started peeking out from the side compartments of the ship.

Of course. Of fucking course. If the Mandalorian wasn't my partner in this whole situation I would've killed him by now.

"You need to drop your rifle." Kuiil said knowing the Mandalorian had his out and ready.

"I'm a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion." He commented back.

"Well your part of religion is gonna stop us from getting the parts back." I said behind him.

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