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Saying that learning how to ride blurrg is hard is an understatement. It was pretty much impossible. Riding blurrg was a lot harder than you would think. If I had a unit of Beskar each time I fell off of this thing I would be rich.

Kuiil had took us back behind his hunt that had a circle ring. For me getting on the blurrg itself wasn't the hard part. It was staying on the blurrg that was impossible. It was like the blurrg's goal was to fling me off at any giving opportunity. If I'm being honest I don't exact blame her. I can't say I'd be willing to have strangers on my back if I was a blurrg. My thoughts were broken when I felt a sudden jerk and flew forward landing on my stomach on the muddy ground. I've officially had it.

"That's it, your turn." I said before pointing towards the Mandalorian that was on the outer ring along with Kuiil just watching me constantly fall off. We walk pass each other before bumping each other's shoulder. I'm not exactly the happiest camper right now. My butt was sore, I was hot from the heat, and I was overall a bit irritated that I had to learn how to ride this thing. Out of all my years of hunting I've never had a task be so difficult, not even an asset itself. This whole mission has been difficult. I made my way over to the outside of the ring and Kuiil started a talk.

"You know for someone who has never rode blurrg before you did pretty decent."

"Are you kidding me, every time I got on she flew me off." I said focusing my glaze on the Mandalorian and the blurrg.

"Well most people aren't able to even mount her." Kuiil said before his point being proven by the Mandalorian falling to the ground.

"Perhaps if you removed your helmet." Kuiil said gesturing towards the Mandalorian.

"Perhaps he remembers I tried to roast him." He called back.

"She. It is a female." I said towards him.

"The males are all eaten during mating." Kuiil said as a matter of fact. Talk about having a unforgettable first time I thought. The Mandalorian shook his head whiling sitting on the ground before getting back up. This simple motion caused her to growl at him. The Mandalorian quickly mounted on top of her before she started making quick jerky motions. This then caused her to do quick circle movements causing the Mandalorian to fall off. Looks like the Mandalorian had it after only being in for 3 minutes and started marching towards us.

"I don't have time for this. Do you have a Landspeeder or Speeder bike that I could hire." He said.

"We have a perfect amount of time for this. You've literally been trying for three minutes compared to my thirty." I said slightly annoyed by his whininess.

"You are a Mandalorian! Your ancestors rode the great Mythosuar. Surely you can ride this young foal." Kuiil said also irritated. The Mandalorian turned his helmet towards me as if I had anything more to say. But all I did was raise my eyebrows slightly hinting to get back to it. He had turned back around before slowing walking back towards the beast. I could hear quiet words coming from him telling the beast to take it easy. The blurrg had growled a little bit once he came closer in contact with her but she wasn't charging. Slowly but surely he was right in front of her and started to raise his hand. Within the next three seconds his hand was resting on her head and her eyes were closed.

"Well I'll be damned." I said almost amazed. Almost.

After some time of riding through the rocky terrain. We made it to the camp the asset was on. Since I never was able to master how to ride a blurrg on my own I had rode with the Mandalorian. Every time we would jump over a crack in the ground that had a drop I'd tighten my grip. If I fell down in there I wouldn't be coming back out.

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