Today's the Day!

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Did you miss me?

I sure as heck missed y'all and this book. Season two airs today! I'm so excited. Please be patient on the chapters, as I said before I'll probably wait for a couple of episodes to come to see how I want this book to go (although I do already have some ideas). But I'm so excited to start writing so be on the lookout. I'll delete this post when I post the next chapter. Can't wait to write more of Calyptra's story, if you forgot about her story I recommend going back and reading the last chapters so you don't get confused, especially if you've been reading other Mandalorian books considering every book is different. Time to change this book status from complete to currently writing.

I hope everyone is doing okay. In a time like this it can be hard to get lost in news, politics, and chaos. But know that if you ever need to talk to someone I'm always here. If I don't get a chance to tell y'all later.........HAPPY HALLOWEEN. It's my favorite holiday.

-With much love and excitement Darlinsolo

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