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"Go, go, go! Back to the ship!" Din yelled as the creatures started to approach us. I turned around, running back into the tunnels that we walked through. I followed behind the frog lady as we ran through the tunnels. The child started to whine as I held him causing me to hold him closer. I could feel the vibrations from the biggest creature as she stomped behind us. Din and I pulled out our blasters when I turned around noticing that the smaller creatures were following behind us, even after we split from the mother. Ice fell from behind us as the mother creature tried to attack us from above, this wasn't good. The creatures started to drop from the top of the ice in front of us causing Din and I to shoot. There was way too many of them to use my knifes. The frog lady grabbed on Din and I as the creatures started to come from different directions. I noticed to my left the mother creature digging from the side of the ice walls. She stuck her mouth through it causing me to yell, "We gotta move." We all quickly moved out the way as she spat out some web substance that stuck to the icy wall. Din grabbed my hand, pulling me along as we followed behind the frog lady. Quickly we ended up passing the frog lady causing her to start jumping on her limbs, to get at our speed. Din looked up hearing something above us before yanking me back, out of the way as one of the mother creature's leg broke through the top of the ice, piercing the ground. I looked at Din graciously as he had stopped me from get stabbed. Once she lifted her leg back up we ran forward closer to where the ship was. I looked over my shoulder seeing that the creatures were gaining speed on us causing me to extend my hand towards the top, using the force to bring the ice on top of the creatures, crushing them. Next to me I heard Din ignite some bombs before throwing them to the sides of the cave and to the top before blowing it up. I instinctually covered the child's ears as the bombs went off. Din stopped momentarily causing me to turn around to look to see that the mother creature was now lying still on the ice. I raced towards him before grabbing his arm, "Come on, we have to go." We met up with the frog lady to see many of the creatures dangling from the ceiling. Din and I shot to the top as they started to descend from their webs, "Din," I called looking at him, "Your fire." Din paused for a quick second before understanding what I meant. He held up his wrist starting the fire before lighting up the place. The fire cleared the path for us, however, we were heavily out numbered. We ran out of the cave coming into view of the ship. I handed the frog lady the child before passing her the container of eggs that Din gave me. I shot along side with Din as we tired to buy some time for the child and frog lady to get into the cockpit.

"Go." Din yelled at me as he shot at the creature that tried to jump at him.


"Calyptra go. I'll be right behind you." I nodded at Din's words, knowing that there was no time for a debate before running into the ship. I climbed up the ladder quickly, as I heard the footsteps of Din behind me a couple of seconds later. Once I made it into the cockpit I got in Din's seat before flicking on some switches to start the ship. "Come on, come on." I said to myself, hoping that the work that Din and I did was enough. We were out of options. I heard the sound of a blaster close to see Din now at the top of the ladder shooting down into the lower deck. He stepped over into the cockpit before trying to pull the doors shut. Some of the creatures managed to crawl into the cockpit causing me to shoot at the walls. I faintly heard the whining of the child causing me to quickly look at him only to see one of the creatures on his head. Before I could even pull the trigger at the creature someone else had beat me to it. I turned to see the frog lady holding the blaster that shot the creature. I nodded my head, thanking her before getting up from the seat and grabbing the child. At this point Din had finally closed the doors with the help of his fire before looking at the frog lady and I. We all turned and watched as the creatures climbed over the windows of the ship, trying to find a way to enter.

"Strap yourselves in. This better work." Din said from his seat as we all lock in and tighten our belts. Din flicked on a couple of switches causing the ship to come to life.

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