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One of the two blurrgs didn't make it through the night. I felt sorry for Kuiil, I knew he cared deeply for the hideous beast. Cara, Din, and I agreed to walk to our destination while Kuiil rode his last blurrg, it was the right thing to do. Ahead of us Greef and his two men were talking in hushed tones.

"You think they're having second thoughts?" Cara asked.

"You know it," I answered bluntly. "Hell, I would if I were them after what they saw last night."

"Could be. I need your eyes." Din says towards Cara.

"I'm watching."

After a couple more miles we made it to the town. Greef stepped forward stopping in front of us before speaking, "I guess this is it." The wind was blowing softly around us causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. They didn't stay long once the adrenaline kicked is as Greef suddenly spun around, drawing two blasters and shooting at his hunters. He then raises his blasters in surrender as we kept our now raised blasters on him.

"There's something you should know." Greef said before walking over towards one of his now dead men and kicking his blaster away.

"The plan was to kill you, and take the kid and her." He said with his head nodding in my direction. "But after what happened last night I couldn't go through with it. Go on, you can gun me down here and now, and it wouldn't violate the Code. But if you do, this child will never be safe."

"We'll take our chances." Cara said.

"The Imperial client is obsessed with obtaining this asset. You tried to run, but where did it get you?" He asked Din and I. "And once he finds out about what you have, you too will be on his list." He said towards me.

"This is ridiculous."

"Perhaps you should let him speak." Kuiil said towards Cara.

"Listen. We both need the client to be eliminated. Let me take the child to him, and then you three can-"

"No." Din objected.

"Let's just kill him and get outta here," Cara said.

"He's right," I said feeling defeated at the truth.

"It's a trap."

"Bring me." Din said.

"Bring you?" Greef questioned.

"Tell him you captured me. Get me close to him, and I'll kill him."

"That's a good idea. Gimme your blaster." Greef said causing Din to reach for his blaster to put in Greef's hand.

"What, no. That's a terrible idea." I said looking at Din, he ignored my comment causing Cara to speak in frustration.

"This is insane!"

"It's the only way," Din spoked.

"Well, I'm coming with you." Cara said causing me to nod in agreement.

"No no no. That would make them suspicious."

"I don't care. I'm coming."

"Tell'em she caught me." Din suggested.

"Fine. Then she can bring the child." Greef said pointing at the child causing him to coo at the attention.

"No. The kid goes back in the ship." Din said.

"But without the child none of this works."

"I have a plan. Kuiil, ride back to the Razor Crest with the child and and seal yourself in. When you're inside, engage ground security protocols, and nothing on this planet will breach those doors." Din said towards Kuiil causing him to walk forward.

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