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The party was over. The village was now almost bare as the people had retired for the night. I turned my head hearing the incoming noise of someone approaching. In my sights I saw the Mandalorian.

"He's out for the night." He said referring to the child.

I nodded my head as I continued to look at dying orange embers in the fire.

"You're crown is gonna fall if you keep it up princess," he said jokingly. Expecting a remark that never came caused him to sit down next to me.

"What's wrong."

I shook my head looking at my hands. There was a moment of silence as neither of us spoke a word.

"Talk to me." He said softly.

"Remember when I told you about how I thought I saw something when I went out on that walk." I said looking up at him, seeing the light that was left from the embers glare on his helmet.

He nodded.

"I heard something. My name. The last time I heard my name I was a child." I paused.

"Calyptra. That's my name. Or was. Hearing my name made me realize that I wasn't the same person anyone. Sure, everyone changes throughout the years but I am no longer the same." I said before ripping the flower crown from my head and tossing it into the fire.

"I am a monster. I have killed countless of others for sport. And all for what, to try and protect one." I said referring to the child.

"A monster wouldn't have risked her life over a village of people she knows nothing about. A monster wouldn't have risked her life to save a child. You are not a monster. You're name doesn't define who you are or who you want to be or who you aren't anymore."

"Your name is just a part of you." He said finishing off.

"Says the one who goes by 'The Mandalorian'." I say sarcastically.

He was silent after I said that. Maybe I went too far.

"Din. Din Djarin. That's my name." He said causing me to look at him with wide eyes.

I suddenly felt really embarrassed. Did I just guilt him into telling me his name.

"I didn't mean to guilt you into telling me your name," I rushed as heat rushed to my face. He gave a light chuckle before answering.

"I've been meaning to tell you. How can I expect you to trust me without giving it back in return." He said causing me to smile.

"I don't know about you but I'm pretty tired." He said getting up heading towards the barn.

"You coming," he called once I didn't follow.

"Go on without me, I'll be there in a minute."

"Don't have any weird visions."

"I'll try not to," I said with a smile.

The Mandalorian or should I say Din Djarin is something else. I couldn't help the small smile that made its way on my face at the thought. We make a pretty good team.

I put my hands on my thighs as I started to get up before looking at the fire. The white flowers on the flower crown started to turn black as the flames fed upon them.

"You're name doesn't define who you are or who you want to be or who you aren't anymore."

As if he was right next to me saying those same words again they hit me.

I looked at the flower crown that was now barely recognizable before reaching forward. I extended my hand into the fire and grabbed onto it. I didn't feel any pain or heat. I felt at peace as I pulled the crown from the flames. Slowly put noticeably the burnt shriveled flowers started to turn white once again. The green stems loped around each other started to spring with life. I smiled in content as I got and put the crown back on my head before walking towards the barn for the night.

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