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Nevarro's air smelt thick of rain. My assumption was confirmed upon looking at the ground to see that it was indeed damp.

I needed to find the group. I needed to find Din.

As I walked through the familiar streets. I got looks and nods from a few people that inhabited the streets. The slight breeze caused goosebumps to rise on the back of my neck, as that was the only thing that was not covered. The star closest to Nevarro must've been in the process of setting, as the sky had started to look darker even with the clouds. I passed the school as I continued to walk through the town. The faint memory of dropping off Grogu at the school caused me to smile before the realization of what happened before I died swept in.

They took him.

I walked up to a familiar door that I knew were where Cara's and Greef's offices were held. I raised my hand up towards the control pad, asking for permission to enter. A camera poked out before I heard the rapid footsteps of someone approaching the door.

The door slid open revealing Mythrol. His eyes were wide in shock as he stuttered to form words, "Wh-how-you're alive!" I smiled at Mythrol's expression as I nodded my head. "How?" He questioned, moving aside to let me in. I walked in only to see that it was just him, my mood dampen slight before I turned around to face him. "It's a long story. Where's the others?" I questioned as I grew with anticipation. Mythrol gave me a sad expression before he spoke, "Grieving your death." He sighed before he continued, "Cara, Greef, and the two that came with the Mandalorian are at the cantina. From what I saw, Cara gave the Mandalorian a pretty hard time." I looked away from him and at the ground. I should've known Cara was going to tear Din apart about my death. My heart yearned out towards Din knowing that what Cara must've said had to have been a lot.

"He." Mythrol said causing me to look back up at him. Mythrol was talking about Din. "He wanted to be alone." I continued to stare at Mythrol as he spoke about Din, "If I'm being honest, I don't know how he's still standing. He lost you and the child within the same day. He really cares for you." I smiled lightly at Mythrol's last sentence as I nodded my head, "I know."

I walked back to the door, before gesturing Mythrol to join me, "To the cantina we go." He nodded his head vigorously as he led the way. The walk between us was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. In due time we had made it to the doors of the cantina. However, before my hands could reach the control panel Mythrol lightly grabbed it. I turned my head to look at him, confused as to why he stopped me. Mythrol suddenly looked really nervous as he quickly released his grip.

"Before we go in I just want to say...that I-I'm, I mean we are all." He stopped before he took a deep breath. "I'm just glad your back." I gave Mythrol a smile as I looked at him. "I'm glad to be back." Mythrol nodded his head at me before gesturing for me to go ahead and open the door. However, before I pushed the button I couldn't help myself, "This doesn't mean I won't come find you with the Mandalorian if you try to run." Mythrol let out a nervous laugh before he spoke, "Wouldn't dream of it."

I pushed the button causing the door to open. The cantina was very dimly lit compared to how it usually was. I could smell the alcohol that lingered in the air. Mythrol stood in front of me, blocking the view as we walked towards the only place where light was in the whole room. Mythrol abruptly stopped causing me to almost run into his back. "Mythrol, I said to leave us alone." From the voice I could tell that it was Cara. I couldn't help but notice the coarseness behind it, she had be crying. I swallowed the invisible lump in my throat as I was suddenly very nervous. "Sorry boss but I think you should see this."

I stood to the side of Mythrol as I spoke with a small smile was on my face, "Next round is on me." The glass in Cara's hand fell causing it to shatter on the floor. Greef and Cara both turned to look at me slowly. Greef looked surprised, as his mouth opened slightly in shock. Cara's eyes widened as she deeply breathed in. Before I could say another word Greef got up grabbing me into an embrace. I smiled, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to stop tears from coming. "How?" He questioned as he let me go, pushing me back arms length to see if it really was me. "The Force." I said shortly as I turned to face Cara. She still was looking at me, this time standing up. Tears were running down her face as I walked towards her. She started shaking her head blinking rapidly, "Y-You were dead. I saw you on the ship." I reached out towards her, pulling her in. "I'm alive Cara." Cara wrapped her arms around me as she sobbed. I rubbed Cara's back, in a comforting manner. We stayed like that for a while until she pull back. Her hands rested on my shoulders as she shook her head.

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